"Did she just suggest what I think she suggested?"

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A/N - Another chapter! I know it's been a while but let's check back in with our couple on Earth 38... Last time we saw them they had just had a bomb dropped on them. I know it's been a while, so if you need a refresher we last checked in on them in the chapter, "Um... well, I don't want you get mad at me, but..." Enjoy!


Kara flew out of the DEO just shy of breaking the sound barrier. The last thing she needed was people annoyed because she smashed their windows. She didn't need to get close to L-Corp to know that there was already a crowd of photographers waiting for a glimpse of Lena leaving or probably her arriving.

Still, she didn't dare head up there like this again, not with everything. She needed to be Kara Danvers to help sort this out, how they could sort this out she wasn't sure, but she would do it. Deciding she didn't have a way in without going in as Supergirl to avoid the crowd at the entrance, Kara took a deep breath and darted into an alley several blocks away from L-Corp.

It was situations like this when Kara was thankful Alex made her keep a spare set of clothes at the DEO, times she'd leave without thinking. She can't remember the last time she had stashed a set there, probably a few weeks before they ended up on Earth 102, if she had to guess. The summer dress and jacket she was now in didn't give her any hints either, other than the fact she couldn't remember the last time she had seen it.

Rao, she went through clothes that much, it could have been new when she left it at the DEO with Alex.

She was just onto the main street heading towards L-Corp when her phone started ringing. Lena. "Hey, I'm on my way to L-Corp now. I'm a few blocks away. I'm sorry I haven't been there sooner, J'onn has kept me in debrief until just now with no access to my phone."

Lena sighed. "I'm only glad you picked up this time. Don't worry about any of that, just get here so we can figure out what to do about this. Together."

Kara picked up her pace, walking as fast as she dared to consider a human speed. "Together. Don't worry. Also, you have a crowd outside your building already so you might want to have your driver pick you up from the underground car park tonight. Or I'm sure the balcony is an optional exit, should you wish to be picked up later."

It was an offer, but one she knew Lena would be hesitant to take. No matter how many times they went flying, Lena hadn't gotten any more accustomed to it. "We'll talk about it later. My answer could change by the time I can go home." She laughed a little, but Kara didn't need to see her to know the smile on her face didn't reach her eyes.

"I'm going to go, I'm almost here and I want to make sure I get inside okay." The crowd in front of her hadn't noticed her yet and she wanted to keep it that way, on her walk over she had heard her name mentioned several times and it didn't fill her with confidence over what was waiting for her when she found Lena.

She was just at the start of L-Corp's building when they noticed her and instantly flashes started and questions bombarded her, hurt her ears they were shouting so loud. They tried to stop her from continuing to the doors and without shouldering several men out of her way at once – no doubt giving her away – she was stuck.

A gap appeared in the mass of people around her, a man in a suit parting them like Moses to motion her forward. She couldn't see his face properly as she rushed forward, but as they got close to the doors, she realised it was the Head of Security for L-Corp. Smiling, the door closed behind them and gave a faint click as it locked the crowd outside.

"Thank you."

He smiled. "Miss Luthor informed me of your imminent arrival, I hope they didn't cause you too much trouble, although I think I may have gotten to you a little late."

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