Funeral Fires

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"Sara are you sure we can get back before everyone knows we're missing?" Kara was standing at outside the Jump Ship with Sara and Lena.

"If you really want I can get you back to right after we left to come and get you. Anything before that and I would be interacting with my own timeline and I can't do that." Sara folded her arms.

Lena frowned. "What do you mean?"

Sara smirked. "I thought you were a genius?"

"I am, but I can't be bothered." It had been a long few days for everyone, Lena trying everything she can to find a way to help the others instead of sleeping.

"Fine. If I drop you all back before Alex and I leave then I won't have a reason to leave because you will be back. Meaning that without going you won't come back and you will just end up stuck here." Lena nodded her head at Sara's explanation, knowing the blonde woman was right.

"When do you think we could leave?" Lena wanted to stay and help, but the longer it took them to get home, the more she started thinking they wouldn't get back at the right time.

Kara tilted her head as she heard someone approach. "We leave when we know this world is okay." Turning to the trees she saw Lexa coming towards them. "I thought you were on the Jump Ship with Clarke?"

Lexa came to a stop a few feet away. "I was, but my people needed orders and sitting next to Clarke isn't going to help her." The Commander looked between the three women, aware of what they had been talking about. "I wish I could tell you to leave if you needed to go, but with Monty gone Raven is our biggest asset against Arkadia's tech. I don't intend for this to continue much longer, the people of Polis are getting anxious about another war - one I intend not to have."

Kara felt a pit in her stomach at the idea she could leave before this was fixed, they had done nothing but help them and all she could think of was what was happening on her Earth. "We aren't leaving. However long this takes, we are here to help."

Lena looked like she wanted to argue with the Super, but could see in her eyes something she already knew. If Sara could get them back to an earlier time, leaving shouldn't even be crossing their minds.

Sara smiled at Lexa. "Where are these funerals taking place then? I could do with feeling useful right about now." With a wave of her hand, Lexa motioned for Sara to walk with her to the clearing they were using for the pyres. Tonight was going to be a long one.

Alone, Kara looked at Lena. "Why are you so worried about getting home? Do you not trust Sara?"

With a sigh, Lena looked at the trees around them. "I trust her." She licked her lips and looked into ocean blue eyes. "I just can't help but think of the many, many ways my family could do damage to National City without you there. Especially what my Mother could convince the L-Corp board of if I'm gone long enough." It was a valid worry, one that had crossed Kara's mind more than once.

Kara put a hand on Lena's arm. "Everything is going to be fine. We are going to return home at the end of this and Sara is going to make sure we weren't gone too long. Okay?"

Without thinking, Lena stepped forward, wrapping her arms around the blonde in a hug. "Okay."


It was almost time for the funeral pyres to be lit when Lexa saw Clarke walk out of the Jump Ship to find them all. Making her way to the blonde girl, Lexa smiled when Clarke stopped, back to her. "You're awake."

Clarke turned to face her and Lexa was happy to see she looked much better than before. "Gideon reversed the pain meds so I could think straight for the funeral, espcially if Skaikru are joining."

Lexa motioned for them to walk, leading the younger girl to the clearing many of them were already at. "We haven't heard anything from Arkadia, I don't know how effective your visit earlier was." Sneaking a glance at Clarke, she couldn't help but let a small smile play on her lips whilst they were alone.

"I saw Bellamy's eyes when I told him about our friends. No matter his feelings towards me now, killing them was the worst move they could have made. He'll come tonight and I wouldn't be surprised if more join him." Clarke watched where she was going, missing Lexa's frown at her logic.


Clarke stopped to look at Lexa. "Things for us were different. On Earth, you were taught to hold a sword and fight as soon as possible. You weren't a kid for long and for us, we only stopped being kids when they sent us down here to die." She looked anywhere but the brunette's face. "Even then most still see us as teenagers that they need to protect. Pike and Hannah killed teenagers for having a different view of life, they killed their own for wanting peace. Hannah killed her own son and didn't shed a tear. Trust me, they aren't going to stand back and let her kill the rest of them."

Lexa didn't know what to say, instead she let her walk in the direction of the pyres, voices drifting on the wind. Tonight was going to make or break relations with Skaikru and all she could do was hope they didn't bring guns to a funeral.


Walking into the clearing, Clarke didn't expect to see many of the Skaikru already in attendance around the pyre. Scanning the crowd it didn't take much to spot Bellamy standing in the centre of their people, eyes fixed on the bodies on the pyre.

Finding Raven, Clarke found her standing with Octavia between Skaikru and their new friends, almost like a bridge between the two. She was just about to speak to her friends when Bellamy spoke, silencing some around him. "You're late."

Clarke offered him a sad smile. "Sorry, the meds took longer than expected to wear off."

Bellamy sniffed as he looked away, her dismissal very clear to everyone. "Let's just get this over with." He scowled when he spotted Lexa on the other side of the pyre to him, but left it alone.

Octavia stepped away from Raven to pick up one of the torches around the pyre, looking at her brother as she did so. "Monty once said no matter what I was always one of the hundred, if nothing else I had the hundred. So long as one of us lives that statement remains true." Octavia moved to light the pyre. "In peace may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again."

All of Skaikru echoed the farewell, saying their goodbyes to the children they failed to protect. No one moved as they all watched the fire grow and burn, releasing their friends spirits back into the world, returning them to the sky as they had once released them back to the Earth.

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