"Um... well, I don't want you to get mad at me but..."

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A/N - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I had started this before Christmas Day and had hoped to get it done earlier, but everything just got crazy. Here is a chapter and I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying their Christmas, or any other holiday you celebrate.


Kara was flying with Lena in her arms, heading straight for L-Corp as quickly as she dared with Lena's fear of flying, but soon enough they were landing on Lena's office balcony. She had barely put Lena down when the woman was rushing into her office to look at everything they had left behind.  Many, many missed called, several missed and rescheduled meetings and a mountain of paperwork but they had only been gone for a day.

"Well, the good news is that we have only been gone a day and I don't have as much as I thought I would that needs doing, still I am going to be here for the night." She turned to see Kara leaning against the balcony's doorframe, the sight momentarily making her forget what she was talking about. "S-So I think you should get going, you're going to be in debrief for just as long."

Kara sighed, she knew the brunette was right, but she didn't want to leave just yet. It seemed like forever ago she had been there for lunch and at the same time, as though it had only been a few minutes earlier. "I don't want to leave you here alone just yet."

Lena's chuckle lit up the room, the smile on her lips capturing all of Kara's attention. "And while I wouldn't object to your company, we both know we have two vastly different long nights ahead of us than I would prefer us to be having tonight." Kara laughed, the sound echoing in the quiet office. "I will see you tomorrow at CatCo and we can talk then, is that okay?"

Kara nodded but stopped midway through. "Are we going to have to inform HR at CatCo of our relationship?" It hadn't occurred to her during their time away but stood in Lena's office she couldn't help but realise what their relationship entailed for their work relationship. At the mention of HR and their relationship, Lena's smile disappeared and looked incredibly sheepish. "Why do you look like me when I get caught eating a third box of doughnuts?"

"Um... well, I don't want you to get mad at me but..." Lena trailed off, worry filling her body with lead as she waited for Lena to finish her sentence. "...we kind of already have those papers filled out for Catco." She rushed into an explanation before Kara could let that sink in. "After yet another assassination attempt, I needed to make sure Catco went to the right person if something happened to me, and the only person I could think of was you."

When Kara remained silent, she continued. "I couldn't just go to the board with documents that put you in charge should something happen to me without a reason, so I filled out an HR form for a romantic relationship about a month ago that stated we had been dating for a few weeks. As far as legal are concerned, at least with Catco, you are my next of kin and are to inherit half of everything while the rest goes to charities and the Luthor Children's' Hospital." She worried at her bottom lip, nails picking at her fingers as she waited for Kara's response.

Kara was at a loss for words, there was nothing she could say that would express how she felt towards Lena for everything, so she didn't speak. Quicker than she intended, she was standing in front of Lena with her hands gently reaching up to cup her cheeks and brushing her lips against hers, letting everything she felt into the slow kiss.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, slow, unhurried kisses that felt of love. It wasn't until breathing became an issue that they pulled away, Kara leaning her forehead against Lena's. "I love you and I couldn't be mad at you for anything, much less making sure Catco didn't fall into the hands of someone like Edge after everything you did to avoid exactly that."

Lena let out a sigh. "Thank God, I was starting to worry."

"Don't, but I'm sorry I have to leave. I can already hear the lecture I'm going to get for not appearing at the DEO earlier." Lena smiled and nodded, Kara's lips meeting hers in one last chaste kiss before the Super was walking back towards the balcony.


Kara dropped her head onto the cool table in front of her, J'onn had been debriefing her for a few hours, the afternoon had turned to night with no interruptions or breaks and it was exhausting her. By this point, she should have been able to leave but he wasn't having it. What was the point of doing everything now? It wasn't like he couldn't have waited for a few hours.

"Is this really necessary to do this now? I could really do with something to eat and some fresh air." Kara looked at J'onn, pout firmly in place as he stared her down.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but we need to get this done before you can leave. We need to know if there is any threat that could translate to this world." Stubborn, that was what was happening. He was being stubborn and didn't want to admit he had no reason to do this now.

Kara was about to say as much when Alex burst the door open. "Kara, we have a problem." Not waiting for a response, Alex strode into the room and thrust the tablet in her hands to Kara. On it was a picture Kara had wished didn't exist.

It was world-shattering, at least for her. On the front page of the Daily Planet was a picture of Kara kissing Lena in her office before she came to the DEO. The image was that clear, it wasn't hard to figure out who the DEO was kissing and Kara was glad no one could see the glasses she had stashed at the back of her suit while she carried Lena.

"What!?" Kara mumbled the implications of such a photo were catastrophic, especially with the HR form confirming their relationship. "This is really, really bad." Standing from the chair, she dropped the tablet on the table and made towards the door, only to be stopped.

J'onn stepped in front of her, stern and adamant she wasn't leaving. "This is a problem that we need to discuss the ramifications of. This could lead to your identity being revealed."

She looked at him like he was being dumb - because he was. "And what could you possibly think to do with the fact that as far as HR at Catco is concerned, I have been dating Lena for the past month? I need to leave and sort this out, now." Kara held her hand up. "Please give me my phone."

J'onn didn't look overly happy, but he nodded to Alex who unlocked the box with her phone in it. Their security measure to make sure she couldn't leave for work or a 'personal emergency' because her phone had no signal. Why they couldn't just have her turn it off, she wasn't sure.

An alert pinged on the tablet. "Director, we have the President on line one for you."

J'onn glared at Kara. "Go and try to fix this while I find out what he wants." Not wanting to risk him changing his mind, Kara dashed from the room, her cape flying behind her with the speed.

She was just reaching the balcony when she burst into the air, marginally avoiding breaking the sound barrier as she raced to Lena's office. Today had already been a long day and she knew they had many more hours left to make it even harder.

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