The Commander of Death

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Barry dropped Clarke off just at the tree line outside Arkadia, giving her a moment to adjust. As soon as she opened her eyes, he spoke."Are you sure about this?" He was worried for her, although he didn't have a reason to be.

She hoped.

"May as well, otherwise I got dressed up for nothing." Smiling, she watched as Barry nodded and left in a flash of yellow. The moment he was out of sight, Clarke's smile fell and her eyes closed as pain started to throb from the wound. Doing what she had done alone for three months, Clarke embraced the steady pain - even if it was physical this time - and breathed. Covering her face with the hood, Clarke left her cover and started down the main track to the gate.

It was a gamble, they could just shoot her on the spot. Clarke even braced herself for a bullet, but one never came. Several guns were aimed towards her as she got closer, Bellamy one of the first. Stopping several steps from the gate it wasn't hard to spot the darting eyes and fidgety hands of the guards.

"What do you want?" Bellamy sounded angry, his gun also raised at Clarke's chest. She couldn't see his face, but she knew him well enough to know the look on his face. Debating what to say, Clarke waited a moment. A moment too long as Bellamy spoke again. "Speak or we will shoot."

Lips turning up slightly, Clarke wasn't sure if she would get a better line than that. Schooling her features, she spoke loud enough for all the guards to hear. "You're still a lousy shot." Pulling her hood down, Clarke saw the moment people recognised her or just saw the black war paint on her face. "So I'm not that worried."

Whispers quickly started, most having no doubt seem me get shot earlier. Clarke couldn't work out if Bellamy thought he was seeing things or if she was actually stood outside the gate. "What are you doing here Clarke?" The set in Bellamy's jaw told her he wasn't going to make this easy. Yet.

"No how are you? Nothing?" If she hadn't thought his jaw would break, Clarke thought he would have been clenching it harder. When he didn't answer and no one else offered up a response, she spoke again. "I wish to speak with the Chancellor."

Bellamy took a step forward, gun raised at her head. "You killed our Chancellor." More of the guards guns took proper aim at her, no doubt aiming for the heart or the head.

"I was busy getting shot so I don't see how I killed him." At that moment Hannah Green emerged from the crowd, taking a spot next to Bellamy, hand on the gun at her hip.

"Clarke?" She was looking at Clarke like she had just seen a ghost, but with the way she looked Clarke couldn't blame her. "I am the acting Chancellor until a vote can be taken but I will not be speaking with you."

She was about to turn around to head back inside when Clarke had an idea. "Why don't we play a game?" Hannah stopped in her tracks. "An answer for an answer." Hiding her smile, Clarke tried to look as unthreatening as possible given her current appearance. Something in the other woman's eyes got her worried. "I will take that as a yes. You can go first."

Hannah turned to face her completely. "How are you alive?"

"My friend is a good healer." Again that glint in her eyes. "Where is Lincoln kom Trikru?"

Hannah's eyes never left hers. "He left. I have no idea where he is."

Lie. "Where is my Mother, Abby Griffin?"

Everyone was silent as they watched the exchange. "She escaped custody after being charged with a crime by former Chancellor Kane in accordance with the Exodus Charter." Another lie. "What is the reason for your return?"

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