"Who are you?"

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Pouring with sweat, Clarke could have sworn the trading post was closer. The journey seemed to be taking her three times longer dragging the panther behind her. Twilight was fast approaching, and Clarke didn't fancy making her way back to her camp under the cover of darkness. While it could be her friend, there was more patrols happening lately and not all of them Trikru. It was making her life much more difficult. She had heard two patrons in the trading post last time talking about the Skikru girl now known as Wanheda. The Commander of Death. There was no doubt they had been talking about her, but the name was serious overkill.

Clarke was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of voices. Crouching, Clarke placed the handles for the makeshift raft carrying the panther to search out the faint voices she could hear. Darting from tree to tree for cover in case it was other travellers taking a short cut, Clarke couldn't believe her eyes at what she saw. Not far way in a small clearing two women were talking or arguing. The brunette started walking away from her companion. Unluckily for Clarke, the woman was walking straight towards her.

As they got closer, Clarke could hear their conversation clearly. "Lena, where are you going?" Clarke rolled her eyes at who she assumed was the companion to the brunette – Lena. "Anywhere you aren't." On some levels Clarke enjoyed the sassiness of the brunette, it reminded her of Raven. Raven. No! Clarke shook her head; she couldn't think of the people she left in Arkadia. Allowing that would open the floodgates of Mount Weather and she wasn't ready. Focusing back on the conversation happening a few meters away, Clarke realised they were closer. Much closer and she would need to move. Gain their attention and make them shut up, they were making too much noise.

"...I get it you're mad, but please don't walk away." Clarke had to stop the thoughts of Lexa, of how she wished she could have asked her not to walk away. The brunette was almost within reach. A few more steps. "You're being childish Lena, stop." As the other stopped speaking, Clarke saw her chance. Before either woman could react, she had her knife at the brunette's throat.

The blonde woman stopped talking and watched surprised. The brunette – Lena, while somewhat shocked seemed almost relaxed, as though this happened all the time.

"Don't move. Either of you." Clarke ordered. She wasn't even worried about the brunette attempting to struggle free, but the blonde looked like she wanted to rush her. "Now I'm going to make this simple. I need you two to quiet down before you bring every warrior with a two-mile radius our way. Understand?"

The blonde nodded her understanding, fists clenched at her sides, the brunette made a noise of agreement. Slowly, Clarke lowered the knife from the woman's neck. "Thank you. Now who are you and why are you here?" She wasn't sure if they would answer her questions, but it was worth a shot.

The brunette raised an eyebrow at her at her tone now that the knife was no longer at her throat, and she'd guess because she could see the expression now. Rolling her eyes, Lena started talking. "Lena Luthor, I was doing an experiment and it went wrong and we woke up in the clearing over there. Which brings me to my questions; who are you and where are we?" Clarke watched the way Lena held herself, it reminded her of Lexa yet again. Whoever this Lena Luthor was, she knew how to get her own way. Clarke ignored her questions, instead waiting for the blonde to answer hers.

Realising she wasn't going to talk until she had answered the blonde spoke, "Kara Danvers."

Clarke debated what name to give them, giving them her real name could be dangerous, unless they didn't know about the Mountain, then she wouldn't need to be worried about them wanting to collect the bounty on her head. Their clothes looked to new to be from the Ark, not only that but Lena would have frozen to death dressed as she is if she had been here yesterday. The evenings have not been kind recently. "Clarke Griffin. We're in Trikru territory, not far from the Ice Nation boarder."

Blank. Nothing. No knowledge of what she just said. Great. Just great. Clarke was muttering to herself in Trigedaslang, mostly swearing to herself, when she noticed Kara's expression turn even more confused.

"What does 'jok' mean?" The question was shocking, she shouldn't have been able to hear her. She guessed Kara could read her expression as she spoke again. "I have really good hearing." Lena's scoff at Kara's answer wasn't nothing. Whatever issues these two had, it was clearly fresh when Clarke had intervened.

"It means 'fuck', and that just answered my question. Wherever you two came from isn't here. I don't recognise you and you don't speak Trig. This means we've got a problem. First thing first, you two need new clothes. Someone else spots you around here in those clothes, they'll kill and ask questions later. Commander's protection or not." At the mention of killed first questions later, both women seemed to silently agree follow me. Moving back to the panther, Clarke could hear their steps too easily, but now wasn't the time.

Picking up the handles for the raft Clarke looked back once before walking towards the trading post. Her time alone just got cut short.


The woman that had been holding a knife to Lena's throat was lucky to still be breathing. Letting her think she was human had seemed like the easiest option. They needed help and without any knowledge of this Earth, being alien could have made the woman try to kill them both on the spot. Listening for her heartbeat it was slightly faster than Kara would have expected.

Kara let Lena lead the way in following Clarke. If Lena wanted to follow this mystery woman with red hair, then she would let her. They had been walking for about a mile almost when Clarke stopped. "We're not far from a trading post. Stay here and I'll trade the panther for clothes for the two of you. We've not got long before dark and you can't be seen here wearing that." She didn't wait for an answer, merely expected them to still be here when she returned.

Clarke disappeared after a short while; Kara kept one ear fixed on her heartbeat. One wrong move and Kara wouldn't hesitate to make the woman see stars before taking Lena somewhere safe. Watching Lena, Kara couldn't find the words. She could, she just didn't think Lena would hear them. "I'm sorry. Please just hear me out." After Clarke's warning, Kara's voice was a mere whisper. Lena didn't look at her, but she didn't interrupt her either. "I wanted to tell you. So many times. It was killing me, you not knowing. I've lost count of the number of requests I've made to J'onn and Alex to tell you. Every time they said no. It was too dangerous. Despite everything you've done, they thought all it would take was one wrong move for Lex to find out." Kara could see the hurt on Lena's face. Thinking she would run to her brother with her secret the moment they disagreed.

"I know you wouldn't do that Lena. That's why I decided not to listen. They could keep telling me no over and over, or they could deal with the fact you knew." Lena's head snapped up at her confession. She was going to tell Lena. Lena was opening her mouth to ask questions, when Kara sped ahead in her monologue. "I was so nervous this morning that I ended up at Alex's apartment looking for my glasses. I already had them on, but I was so worried I didn't notice. All I could think about was you hating me when you found out. I didn't want to lose you. I wanted to tell you after lunch, but you wanted to show me your invention. How in Rao's name could I say no to you when you were looking at me with the excitement of me with potstickers?"

During her speech, Kara had moved closer to Lena until there was barely any space between their bodies. Kara couldn't tell what was going on in that genius brain of hers and it was killing her. A hint of a smile. Barely a curl of the lips before the eyebrow was being raised.

"Comparing me to potstickers Kara, really? I am not that enthusiastic about science. No one is that enthusiastic about anything." Kara couldn't help but laugh. She heard it, the slight thumping of Lena's heartbeat quickening.

"Here are your clothes. Change quickly. Ice nation are in the area, we need to move." Clarke appeared out of nowhere. Holding the clothes out as though the two other women weren't having a moment.

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