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Raven and Lena had been working on a way to get them home for an hour and hadn't made much progress. After their conversation when she first entered the tent, the two had kept their conversations strictly to science.

They were currently arguing over the power needed to supply the device they may need. Given the world's situation they live in, this had been their first problem. Lena wasn't sure anything they could come up with would work, but she knew she had to try.

Kara pushing her way into the tent stopped their argument and had Anya stood, sword placed against Kara's neck. Lena could see Raven hold her breath, waiting for Anya's next movement.

"Kara what the hell? Anya could have killed you. She still could." Raven was scared for Kara's health and for Kara and Lena the idea made them chuckle. "Why are you two laughing?"

"Anya won't kill her." Lena stated, confusing even Anya. "Anya's blade can't hurt Kara." Both Raven and Anya looked at Lena like she was crazy.

"Exactly how sure are you of this?" Anya spoke. Lena was actually surprised, Anya had barely said anything the time she had been there.

"How attached to this sword are you?" Kara's confidence was surprising, it seemed like everything was surprising Lena today. She could see it, Anya was debating Kara's question, wondering how badly she wanted to know. Her better judgement, in Lena's opinion, won as Anya lowered her sword.

"Kara what's wrong? You ran in here like you need something." Lena's voice got Kara's attention back on her and at that moment, Lena couldn't tell which version of Kara she was seeing. Kara or Supergirl, or someone in the middle.

"Oh yeah. Lexa said she's needed back in Polis today. She's said Clarke and one of us have to go too." Lena opened her mouth to ask questions, but Kara beat her to it. "I've told her I'll go because Raven needs you here and if there's a problem I can be here in minutes. Stay here and figure out a way home. I'll make sure people don't call for our heads in the meantime.

Lena was processing what she had just been told. Kara had to leave? People wanted to kill them? Okay, breathe. Breathe. In and out. Kara was looking at her, expecting some form of a reaction beyond her blank look. "Okay. How long will you be gone?"

"Um. I don't know. Hopefully a few days. By that time I was kind of hoping we would be ready to go home."


Clarke and Lexa were waiting for Kara by the horses, impatient but calm. Clarke knew she wanted to leave, knew if it she didn't need Kara they would have already left. Clarke looked at the sun, they would be struggling for sunlight as it was. They couldn't afford to wait much longer.

"Where is she?" Lexa's voice was a whisper meant only for Clarke's ears. She could see Lexa scanning Arkadia for any sign of Kara, the only sign of worry she would show. Clarke could see when Lexa spotted Kara as something almost imperceptible relaxed in her. While still tense, Lexa didn't look like she was going to slit the throat of the wrong next person to make a wrong move.

As Kara approached Lexa had the horses brought closer and was moving to sit on hers. Kara looked between Lexa and Clarke. "Sorry I'm late." Lexa didn't acknowledge Kara, choosing instead to sit, staring at the gates as they slowly opened.

Clarke moved to whisper in Kara's ear, not wanting to embarrass or out the other woman. "You know, for someone with superspeed you'd think you wouldn't be late." Kara grimaced at Clarke's words, but didn't say anything. She watched as Kara got settled on her horse before quickly mounting her horse.

The group began their journey to Polis slowly, Clarke knew it was because galloping away from Arkadia would start a panic, one they didn't need. Giving a reason for Skikru to panic was the absolute last thing Clarke knew Lexa needed. As soon as they were through the tree line, away from prying eyes, the group started their race to Polis.

The journey to Polis was long and exhausting, none of them stopping or slowing down. Their horses barely able to keep up the pace required of them, the trio having lost the scouts that joined them an hour ago. Lexa was looking out over the city she called home with a look Clarke could only see as relief in her eyes, the rest of her face remaining as stoic as ever.

"We're only a few minutes away now. We will head straight for the tower and I will call a meeting of the ambassadors. You will both only have a few minutes to freshen up before the meeting begins." Lexa didn't wait for a reply from either of her companions, instead she snapped the reins and pushed her horse towards Polis.

Clarke couldn't believe what she saw when she started her descent into the city. People, so many people enjoying life and peacefully moving throughout the city and the market surrounding the tower. It was incredible, a mix of old world structures and constructed buildings made from anything they could find. Clarke couldn't take her eyes off the city around her, not even when Lexa stopped and dismounted, she knew she was meant to follow, look more like Wanheda but she couldn't.

Slowly following suit, Clarke dismounted and looked up at the tower before her. From the bottom, it spanned up to the sky. It loomed so far, Clarke hoped they didn't have to walk to the top floor.

Once inside the tower Lexa led them to a metal cage, almost like an old-style elevator Clarke had seen once in an old movie. She wasn't sure how it could move, that was until Lexa shouted a floor number to two men who answered from below. Frowning, Clarke looked around and sure enough, she could spot the curve of a staircase off to the side.

Two men were pushing the cage up the floors using a pully system, it was incredible. Raven would love to see this, would probably suggest some improvements at the same time, but she would love it.

It was slow moving to reach the top floor, much quicker than taking the stairs though, so Clarke kept her mouth closed as they stopped on the top floor. Lexa pulled open the mesh gate to allow them access to the floor, the hallway was lit with torches every few feet and several guards were stationed in intervals.

Lexa stared to move down the hallway automatically knowing they would follow here. Halfway down the hallway Lexa stopped in front of a set of double doors. "Kara. These are your chambers whilst you are here. Clarke will be two doors down and I will be at the end of the hallway. I will send someone for you when the meeting is about to begin." Kara nodded and instantly pushed open the doors to her chambers, disappearing from sight.

Lexa continued, Clarke stumbling momentarily not expecting her to move again so quickly. As expected, Lexa stopped two doors down from Kara's, the door closest to her own chambers at the end. "Thank you for showing us to our rooms Commander. I will see you at the meeting." Clarke knew she had to act professional, but part of her wanted to say more, exactly what, Clarke wasn't sure she was ready to admit.

Lexa inclined her head, barely, towards Clarke. "The pleasure is mine Wanheda. I hope you find your stay in Polis enlightening. The meeting is to start within the hour. I will have someone collect you before it starts." Lexa was already turning towards her room, Clarke seemingly stuck on the phrase 'collect you' like she didn't have a choice. She was about to say something, when she noticed one of the guards in the corner of her eye looking at her a little too closely. Deciding now wasn't the time, Clarke pushed open one door to her room. Float me! Kara made this look easy.

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