Make a plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.

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A/N - Sorry for not updating, my gran fell and broke her arm and I have been helping to look after her the last few days and just haven't had the time to write. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please don't hate me...


Standing next to everyone, they were waiting for Barry to come back to say Octavia and Sara were in position. Once they did this, it was going to be easier. Once Pike was dead they would be able to have peace.

In a flash of yellow, Barry stood next to Kara and nodded. It was time. Looking at Lexa, the lack of emotion was expected, as was the love in her eyes when blue met green.

"Ready?" Clarke's voice matched Lexa's expression, cold and emotionless. This was just another problem she would fix for her people... even if she wasn't entirely sure who that was anymore.

Not even a nod, Lexa simply turned away and started walking towards the tree line. Falling into step beside her, Clarke brushed her fingers against Lexa's before putting a little distance between them as they emerged from the tree line, gun immediately on them.

"You already have at least ten guns on you and counting." Kara's voice sounded in her ear, the communication device Sara gave her feeling a little weird. They were barely five metres from the edge. This was going to be harder than they anticipated.

By the time they reached the gates, Pike was waiting, surrounded by guards, Bellamy among them. The anger in his eyes she hadn't seen since they first landed, but even then this was different. It was wasn't out of self-preservation, just a simple want to hate.

"To what do I owe the displeasure of your visit?" Pike was a smug son-of-a-bitch, his shit eating grin making Clarke want to put a bullet between his eyes.

"I simply wish to talk Chancellor Pike." Lexa had no doubt scanned everyone for threats, only giving the bare minimal to keep the conversation going longer.

Sound crackled in Clarke's ear. "We're in." Keeping an uninterested expression, Clarke had to keep her eyes off Bellamy to not give anything away.

Pike crossed his arms. "A simple talk? The last simple talk I had with either of you ended in Clarke threatening to blow up part of our camp." The smirk on Pike's face didn't last long as the whispers started around the growing crowd.

Smiling, Clarke looked at Pike. "I wasn't aware I could blow up the camp by shooting a can of dirt? Although, I'm sure you already knew that." The whispers grew, Pike's smirk falling ever so slightly at idea I would admit that willingly.

Lexa cut in before the growing tension between the two Arkadian's could be cut with her sword. "Yes, I wish to talk to you about a treaty between our people. In what capacity you wish for this to be is up to you."

Pike chanced a look at some of his guards. "What could you offer us that we can't do for ourselves? Compared to us, you are savages." It was a good question from someone who never listened, but made Clarke's jaw twitch.

"My people could teach you to hunt, to use animal furs for clothes and blankets ready for the harsh winters we have. We can trade items from other clans for information and advancements. Help you set up another smaller camp in a few winters when you're camp grows. These are only a few examples of what we could do for you." It was all true and they really did need everything she was offering. "Or we could agree to avoid each other completely and not interact at all, in any capacity."

She was getting through to them, the low sun starting to make it hard for Clarke to see the crowds reaction to her offers. Pike's reaction was entirely expected however. "We don't need anything from you. We are more than capable of hunting and surviving on our own."

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