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Sirens blared in the DEO as Alex avoided collisions with other agents running for the armoury. There was a giant alien on the loose and no sign of Supergirl.

"Can someone please get me Supergirl's whereabouts?!" No one was answering her, instead those at the computers scrambled to find something. Brainy was somewhere around, not seemingly doing anything, nothing they could see at least. "Brainy, tell me you can find her?"

"No. I'm afraid I have used every tracking software at my disposal and Supergirl is nowhere to be found on Earth. Her unique radiation signature is no longer emanating anywhere on Earth. It hasn't done since lunch time today when it disappeared." Getting Brainy to the point was going to be the death of Alex she could feel it.

"Where was she when she disappeared Brainy?" Another report of damage in the city appeared, along with footage of J'onn J'onzz fighting the alien currently making a mess of downtown National City.

"It would appear she was at L-Corp, Agent Danvers." Alex sighed and moved from Brainy, ignoring his look of confusion. Pulling out her phone, Alex called Jess. Hopefully the woman would pick up.


"Jess. It's Alex. Has Kara been to L-Corp today?"

"Yes. She and Miss Luthor were meant to have lunch." Alex could hear the worry on the other end of the call.

"What do you mean 'meant to have lunch' Jess?" Alex was already making her way from the main DEO floor, worried she made need to leave as soon as this call ended.

"Miss Luthor had a meeting scheduled for two o'clock. When Kara still hadn't left her office, I went to inform Miss Luthor of her upcoming meeting... the food was sat untouched on the table with no signs of either Kara or Miss Luthor."

Alex was raging now. "Why didn't you tell anyone this earlier Jess?"

Worry turned to anger on the other end of the call. "I tried calling you, but some idiot just said you were busy and couldn't talk. I didn't even get the chance to tell him they were missing."

Damn it! Sighing, Alex hung up the phone and left the DEO. If they were both missing, then they needed help. With Kara's disappearance, Lena would have been her first call for help, claiming Supergirl was missing of course. Even if Lena was mad at Supergirl, she wouldn't let her anger get in the way of saving hundreds of lives.

It took Alex longer than she had hoped to reach Kara's apartment. The roads were a mess, but once inside none of that would matter. It didn't take long for Alex to find what she was looking for once inside. Kara had shown her how to use it should she ever see the need. Point and press.

Simple. A blue portal appeared in the middle of the apartment. "Brainy, I'm going to get help. Keep everything under control until I'm back." She didn't wait for a reply, jumping right into the portal.

Landing in a lab a moment later, Alex scanned her surroundings. She was stood in the middle of a lab. No one was in the room but there were red lights going off everywhere. "Hello."

Barry appeared in the room, a streak of lightening following him. "Who – Alex hey. What's wrong?" Barry's posture went from hostile to relaxed to worried as he spoke.

"Kara is missing. We can't pick up her signature on our Earth and downtown National City is being torn apart by a giant alien. Any chance you could give us a hand?" Alex barely finished talking and Barry was gone again, only to return a moment later suited up. At that moment, the rest of Team Flash as Kara called them entered the lab.

"Okay guys. I know it's nice to see Alex, but Kara is missing, and they have a giant alien on the loose. They need help. Suit up and we'll jump through." No one questioned Barry, instead moving to suit up themselves.

Iris shut down the alarm of Alex's arrival. Moments later, another alarm started. This time in the hanger outside Star Labs. "Iris, what's the new alarm for?" Isis was getting the cameras up as the group crowded the monitors. On screen the group were shocked to see the Waverider sitting in the middle of the hanger.

"What are these lot want?" Barry was gone before anyone could answer Iris, appearing on the monitors a moment later. Only Sara got off the Waverider before it disappeared, leaving only the jump ship behind. Alex was getting confused now. What would Sara be doing back?

The group left in the lab were about to make their way to the hanger, instead Barry and Sara disappeared from the monitors, reappearing in the lab next to them. "Not that I'm not happy to see you Sara, but we were about to head to Earth thirty-eight. Kara's missing and an alien is on the loose. Think you can walk and talk?"

"That's why I'm here. Kara and Lena aren't meant to go missing. We got an alert for an anachronism in the future, stemming from their disappearance. I couldn't spare the others, so you've got me." Sara was already in her White Canary suit, so it was much easier. Soon the group was heading back to Earth thirty-eight.

The group had barely let their feet touch the floor of Kara's apartment before Barry was out of the apartment to help contain the alien threat. Alex watched as Cisco started typing onto a tablet, he brought with him. She wasn't sure what to do now that she had brought the others with her.

Static in her comms had her attention turning back to the problem in downtown National City. "Agent Danvers, thank you for the backup. The Flash has contained the alien and a group of DEO agents are on their way to transport the alien to holding."

"Thank you Brainy. They are going to help us find Kara and get her back." Cisco started talking, waving for Alex's attention as Barry came back into the room.

"Cisco, before you start talking, I don't suppose we could move this to DEO headquarters?" Alex cut Cisco off before he could get too far into his discoveries.

"If you insist, but I thought you were in a hurry."

"Sarcasm, really Cisco." Sara beat the whole group to the comment.

It took them longer than Alex would like to reach headquarters. The longer Kara was missing the harder it would be to find her wherever she had ended up. Alex stood with the group, all ready to share everything they knew to solve the mystery surrounding Kara's disappearance.

"Well, I've said why I'm here. We need Kara back before the future solidifies and becomes unchangeable. Alex?" Sara stated.

"Kara met with Lena for lunch. Only according the Lena's secretary, they never ate lunch. Since Reign, we learned how to track the individual signatures Kryptonians give off. We lost her signature in the middle of L-Corp. It just disappeared. As far as we can tell, Kara is no longer on this Earth." Alex watched as the faces around the table grew worried. "Cisco?"

"Right. From our software I ran earlier, I can tell you Kara is no longer on this Earth. The key word being this Earth. The readings show that a massive spike in energy occurred in L-Corp, energy like that of the energy we use to jump between our Earth's. If I had to guess, I would say someone tried to find other versions of Earth and instead of merely showing another Earth, the energy combusted, spitting out anyone in the room onto a random Earth." Cisco had shown a map of National City with a red zone within L-Corp.

"That guess has a ninety percent chance of being a possibility. I would suggest you attempt to narrow down which Earth before attempting a rescue."

"Thank you Brainy. Cisco, do you have a way of narrowing down which Earth they may have been spit into?" Alex was tired, the day was several hours from being over, there was little chance of them finding Kara tonight and the look on Cisco's face said it all.

"I'm afraid not. Finding Kara will be a process of elimination. One by one." Cisco lowered his gaze; Alex knew she looked devastated and she knew he didn't want to look her in the eyes after that revelation.

"This is going to take a while."

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