Save a life

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Clarke's vitals were dropping and Gideon couldn't work out what was wrong, she had stopped the bleeding. X-raying Clarke quickly, Kara couldn't find anything obviously wrong either. "There is no reason why she is bottoming out. Medically speaking, she should be stabilising unless there is something Gideon can't trace."

Sara looked away from the screen. "Shit! We're on a new Earth. Anything that is specific to this world won't show up in her system until it is added." As she was speaking, she could hear Lexa muttering something unfamiliar. Keeping an eye on her, Kara had to stop herself from speeding forward to stop the leader as she rushed towards the basin Alex had put the bullet.

Everyone watched in fascination as Lexa picked up the loose bullet and sniffed it. "Azgeda poison." Reaching into her coat, Lexa pulled a small box that looked ready to fall apart and pulled off the lid to three small vials.

"Azgeda poison?" Alex looked at Lexa debating whether or not to stop her from getting closer to Clarke when Kara saw Sara shake her head at her sister.

Lexa rushed to stand by Clarke, pulling the stopper from the vial and pouring it into Clarke's mouth. "Come on." The Commander wasn't aware of anything but the blonde on the table next to her, waiting for her vitals to improve.

"Azgeda poison is made from a plant that due to the radiation has been able to survive in the harsh climate. I've been told they once tried to eat it, only to collapse and die minutes later without an antidote - which is rare. Much like the poison, it's antidote is confined to Azgeda land, making it difficult for other clans to possess." Everyone turned to see Octavia standing in the corner of the Jump Ship, forgotten about when Barry brought Sara aboard.


Looking at Clarke, Lexa's heart stopped. She was too pale, her ocean eyes closed as the technology still flashed red on the wall above. Lexa willed Clarke to open her eyes, resting her head against the side of Clarke's, her words barely moved the blonde's hair against her lips. "Ai sonraun laik yu sonraun. Beja nou bants. (My life is your life. Please don't leave.)"

She knew the antidote should have started working, Clarke should be awake. Acutely aware of the people stood around, part of her didn't want them to see her weak - wanting nothing more to stand stoic watching Clarke from afar - but she couldn't. What was the point?

Since Clarke came back into her life Lexa was realising just how lonely her life was, not just because of her position but her own making. To be Commander is to be alone. Never had Lexa realised how wrong Titus' teachings were than when she was praying to Beka Pramheda to keep Clarke with her.

"I-I'm not that easy to kill." Clarke's voice, despite being a groaned muttering seemed to echo in the silent room. After Octavia's explanation everyone had fallen silent, something Lexa had ignored.

Pulling away from Clarke enough to see her face, Lexa grinned at the sight of the oceans watching her every movement. "I thought I lost you." Neither of them noticed everyone else file out of the room to give them time alone.

Licking her lips, Clarke smiled. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Lexa leaned her forehead against Clarke's. "Good." Bringing her lips down, she kissed Clarke only for a voice to interrupt them a second later.

"I'm sorry, but the others are about to return. There is an urgent matter that needs both your attention."

Lexa relaxed the hand that had reached for her dagger, trying and failing to stop Clarke from chuckling at her. As expected, the group returned to the room, Octavia and Raven leading.

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