Experiment Gone Wrong

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Kara would be arriving soon for lunch and for once Lena wasn't lost in a sea of paperwork until she stood in front of the desk holding a bag filled with food. Having lunch in her office had turned into a ritual for the two of them at this point and it was fun, at least the times Kara didn't have to leave for one reason or another.

Seriously, whatever her issue is she really needs to figure it out. Lena knew something was wrong at home, but she can't put my finger on it. Sometimes for a genius Lena could be very dumb. But today was not a dumb day. Today she had finally finished the latest project for L-Corp and knew Kara would love to see it. She has been asking about L-Corps project for the past several weeks and Lena haven't been able to say anything, not until it was completed.

Lena was closing her laptop down when the door to her office opened and Kara strolled in. She must have left for lunch early today because instead of a Noonan's takeout bag, she was holding Big Belly Burger. The only location they had in National City was a good twenty-minute walk from CatCo.

"Kara. My hero." Lena's eyes were still on the bag of food she was carrying, but she could have sworn there was something in her eyes. If not for the slight crinkle on Kara's forehead she would have taken it as a trick of the light, but the crinkle never lies.

"What could I have possibly done to deserve that title Lena?" Kara places the bag on the table by the couch and moves to hug Lena. Pulling away, any sign of the crinkle was gone. Letting the thought go for now, Lena knew she wouldn't let her leave without asking her about it.

"Many things. Right now, you bring me Burgers." Laughing Kara was about to sit. "Before we sit and eat, I have something I want to show you." Kara moved away from the bag of food with a look of dejection. "I promise it won't take long. The food will still be warm so stop pouting."

"I am not pouting." Lena had turned her back to Kara to collect the tablet for her private lab and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Kara, I can hear you pouting from here." Lena wasn't wrong. She was still pouting when Lena turned back around. Wanting to tease her a little Lena decided to have some fun. "Or I could keep my top-secret project for the Daily Planet exclusive they have been begging me for?" Raising an eyebrow, Lena watched as the adorable pout and puppy dog eyes turned into a look of mock betrayal and shock. "Exactly."

"So where are we going?" Nodding to the wall of shelves in her office Lena didn't answer and instead tapped several buttons, giving her fingerprint in the process. A section of the wall silently moved to the side to reveal an elevator. Stepping inside Lena waited for Kara to join. Hesitantly, she stood next to Lena pushing her glasses up her nose and shuffling from foot to foot. Closing the elevator door, it was cramped in the small space built ideally for one. "It'll only be for a second don't worry."

"I'm not worried, but I would like to know where we're going."

"Don't you trust me Miss Danvers?"

"Trusting you has never been a problem Miss Luthor." Kara's smile was infectious. Smiling around Kara is something everyone seemed to do naturally, not even a Luthor was immune to the ray of sunshine that was Kara Danvers.

"We are heading to my private lab. I had a separate elevator installed so that I could come and go as I pleased without having to deal with the politics of wanting to work on something with the other scientists of L-Corp." As Lena finished talking the elevator stopped and the door slid to the side to reveal the entryway for the lab. Security measures. Just in case. If anything, this lab was the perfect place to be if L-Corp was attacked. Not that Lena ever made it down here on one of the several occasions it's happened.

"This is so cool! Why I am both surprised you have a private lab and not at the same time?" Kara began looking around the room the moment the doors opened into the main area.

"Because I'm a Luthor." Lena didn't have to be looking at her to know she was giving her a disapproving look right now.

"Lena, that it not what I meant, and you know it." Kara's firm tone made it obvious she was in for an argument if she disagreed, so instead Lena stopped in front of the reason she brought her here.

"I know." Lena glanced at Kara to show her she knew she was right, even if it was a hard concept to agree with at times. "Now, the reason we are here. I have been working on a device that will identify and amplify high speed frequencies into this archway over here. The hope is that this will show us and prove the theory of the multiverse." Looking at Kara she was staring in shock at the machine and Lena as her gaze bounced rapidly from one to the other. "I know it seems silly to try and prove the theory, but I couldn't help it. There must be more out there. Worlds we can learn from to make this one a better place."

Kara didn't do anything but look between the brunette and the archway. For once Lena couldn't tell what was going on in Kara's head. Deciding that starting the machine was the best way to get her out of the current tennis match she was watching between Lena and the archway; she started the process of activating the machine.

Seconds passed as the machine calibrated to the frequency of this world and attempted to find others. So far, she had only done test simulations, all of which revealed results of a few other worlds. As the seconds stretched into a minute the machine began to beep with indication of another valid frequency found. One turned into two and soon the beep became a steady stream every few seconds.

"Lena, I'm assuming the beeps mean something good." Lena had almost forgotten Kara was here with the constant beeping.

"Yes. The beeps mean it's located another valid frequency." Her brain was running a mile and minute as the beeps continued, the machine wasn't built with the capacity for this many frequencies. As the thought entered my head the archway began to spark to life, something it wasn't meant to do. "Kara move back. The machine is overloading."

"Overloading? What do you mean overloading?" Lena wanted to pay attention to the panic in Kara's voice, but she couldn't. She had to shut it down. Typing on the tablet still in her hands Lena attempted to shut down the machine. Nothing happened. Instead she shut down the power to the lab entirely. Everything turned off, doors locked, and darkness filled the room. Still sparks danced inside the archway.


The lights went out and Kara could hear the doors locking. Attempting the x-ray anything in here wasn't going to work, the entire place was lined with lead. Kara could see it before Lena, at the rate the machine was going it was going to explode. Fast.

It wasn't even a debate. Saving Lena or keeping her secret. Before Lena knew what was happening, she was being pulled away from the machine and Kara's body was shielding hers as an explosion ripped at the room.

Nothing more than a loud bang and an eruption of sparks seemed to occur, but as she kept Lena tucked beneath her body away from debris, Kara realised something was very wrong. Lena was unconscious. Trying to look up the world tilted as dark spots invaded the edges of Kara's vision. It wasn't long before she was collapsing on the floor next to Lena unable to stay awake.

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