"Raven, can we please tone down the charm..."

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A/N - Busy weekend, I can't believe how much I missed writing for two days when I sat at my computer to finish this chapter today. Enjoy. ADDED A/N AT THE BOTTOM!

Everyone stepped inside, the three newbies taking in every detail as the doors opened to reveal the entire place. Like the previous location, a platform held the computers, Raven instantly wandering to them with Sara on her heels. Luna's eyes followed her for a few seconds before spotting Oliver's arrows and bow on display, her feet taking her in that direction.

Clarke remained at the entrance with Kara and Lena, not knowing where to go or what to do now that they had time to themselves. Her eyes stayed on Raven, watching the older girl sit in Felicity's chair. She felt more than saw Kara tense next to her.

"Someone's coming." Sure enough, a section of the wall to their left opened, a man rivalling several of those she had seen on her Earth stepping through. "Oliver."

"What is going on? Who are you?" He stepped through, body tense as he exited the elevator.

Instantly, Kara was walking over, Thea popping her head up from her place by Luna and the weapons. "Hey, Ollie. Felicity is on her way, we were just helping some friends of Kara's before they go home."

Oliver's jaw clenched. "Friends?"

Kara nodded, now standing in front of him. "Yes, we met them when Lena accidentally dropped us on another Earth." She smiled at him, his eyes looking somewhere behind her.

"Well, could you tell your 'friends' to lower their weapons - or rather my weapons in one case." His eyes flicked to Luna a step behind Thea, Oliver's bow in her hands, arrow draw and pointed at his head. Clarke glanced down at her own hand, finding her knife gripped ready should she need it, she hadn't even noticed grabbing it.

Thea put raised her hand, fingers brushing the tip of the arrow Luna had notched, pushing it down slightly. "While I find you able to pull that back impressive, I would prefer you don't kill my brother in his own bunker."

Thankfully, Luna dropped her aim and took the arrow out, holding them both in her hands, Clarke putting her knife away. "Thank you, now what is it you are going to do?"

At that moment the doors behind him opened, Felicity and Alex stepping through. "I am going to give Raven one of my implants so she can walk again."

"And Raven is?" Oliver glanced at the four he didn't know, Lena included.

At the question, Raven raised her hand, spinning on the chair. "Raven Reyes, genius and yes I know it is a pleasure to meet me." Her grin didn't falter at the eye rolls that circulated the room.

Clarke groaned. "Raven, can we please tone down the charm by about a six or seven? We want them to help you, not send you packing first." Felicity smiled, moving around Oliver to the platform with Raven, turning on her computers.

"Just put my stuff down and we won't have a problem." Oliver looked at Luna, bow and arrow still in her hands, until she moved over to the table to place them back where she found them.

Everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as the tension in the bunker returned to a more normal level, at least as normal a level as one can achieve in a vigilante's secret bunker.

Felicity continued typing, ignoring everything happening around her, getting everything ready for Raven's implant, spinning in her chair when she was finally done. "Raven, if you would like to follow me."

Standing from her chair, Raven followed behind Felicity as she made her way through the bunker to the table Oliver found himself on with every injury or bullet wound. There wasn't much, but there was enough for her to do the surgery without needing a hospital, that option was out of the question on account of the questions they'd ask.

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