"I thought you were a genius."

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A/N - I know it's short but here is another chapter. I hope you all enjoy.


Stepping out of her room, Raven found the whole group gathered by the stairs at the end of the corridor. Flashes of her and Luna still popping into her head at inopportune times - like right now.  Swallowing the newly forming lump in her throat, she smiled and looked at everyone.

"What are we all doing stood around here for?" Slinging her arm around Clarke, she ignored Luna's momentary frown.

"Waiting for you." Clarke shrugged off her arm. "You know, for the first person getting ready out of some of us I don't understand how you can be the last ready."

Grinning, Raven pushed onto her tip toes and rolled back down. "It takes effort to look this good, something I know you find hard since finding a Grounder girlfriend." The comment got a few laughs, although they didn't last long as Kara cut in.

"We should go, I hate to think what has happened in National City without us there." She shuddered at the thought, Raven frowned.

"I am sure your city will be safe, but I agree. We should go." Luna pushed open the door to the stairs, heading upwards. "Ha na ai vout duan don bos figon? (How did I think that was a good idea?)"

Raven heard her speak, but understood only one word 'I', making her frown as she followed the group to the stairs. Thinking through the few memories of last night, she was glad no one could read her mind, the events making her almost blush.

"What are you doing?" Clarke's whisper threw her, red colouring her cheeks instantly.

"Nothing." Shaking her head, Raven repeated. "Nothing. What's wrong?"

Clarke gave her a look. "You. What are you doing with Luna?"

She sighed, careful to keep her voice down. "I don't know, I barely remember last night and what I do remember doesn't exactly give me clarity on how we got there."

Sighing too, Clarke looked upwards a few flights at where Luna was leading the march to the roof. "You have been flirting with her most of this trip and you're wondering how you ended up in bed with her?" She shook her head. "I thought you were a genius."

Raven frowned, looking up at the gap in the stairs, only just seeing Luna almost at the top. "She hasn't exactly spoken to me about it."

Clarke looked like she was about to hit her around the head. "Because she's older and a grounder. If you haven't noticed, she doesn't articulate her feelings like an Arkadian teenager." Stopping her with a hand on her arm, Raven was glad they were at the back of the group. "And you don't exactly have time to be avoiding a conversation with her."

Clarke started climbing again, Kara having cast a glance backwards to make sure they were okay. "What are you talking about?" Following her, it didn't take long to catch up with both legs able to move, something that Raven was still marvelling at.

They were almost at the top, most of the group already on the roof. "She's the Boat Clan Leader, she can leave as soon as we're back and never come back. Before she arrived at Polis when you found her, Lexa had never seen her come in person. Not since she ran from her Conclave."

Raven's frown deepened, mind working through everything. "But that was years ago."

"Exactly." They reached the door, it having closed behind Kara. "So if you want to fix this, do it quickly." Pushing the door open, she didn't have the chance to reply as everyone was stood around waiting for them.

The roof was empty, Raven looked around confused until a hissing sounded from nowhere. In front of them all, the Drop Ship they had arrived on appeared partially as the door lowered with the ramp.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Sara clapped her hands.

"What about our clothes we arrived in? These aren't exactly good for our world." Luna gestured to the clothes from the previous night she and everyone was still wearing, none of them dressed for their Earth at all.

The door opened behind them, Thea holding three bags. "I believe these are yours."

Sara laughed. "Were you standing on the other side waiting for the perfect entrance?"

She shrugged. "Maybe."

"She was." Kara tapped her ears, hinting she had heard her and laughed, Lena shaking her head next to her.

Walking over, Thea handed a bag each to Raven, Clarke and Luna giving each a hug as she did. "It has been good to see you and I hope to see you guys again. Maybe next time we see how you guys party?" Grinning, Thea watched Clarke and Raven nod, Luna not as enthusiastic.

"I'll see what I can do to get Lexa to agree."

Raven smirked. "I'm sure you can do a lot to change her mind on more visitors." Clarke didn't respond, simply smacked her on the back of the head.

With a few more hugs going around, the large group slowly crammed into the tiny Drop Ship, everyone thankful this was the last time it would be this packed. "Time to get you lot home." Waving to Thea standing on the hotel's roof, Sara powered the ship up and said. "Gideon, plot a course for Earth 38, the same day we left with Alex please."

The British woman's voice sounded through the entire ship. "Course plotted for Earth 38, ten seconds after you first left with Miss Danvers, Captain." Bringing the ship off the ground, Sara pushed the ship forward, a breach opening up as they flew towards it.

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