Queen Nia

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Two days since the others left for Polis, not a single inch of progress had been made to contact their friends and Lena was starting to lose it.

"Why won't this peice of shit work?!" Lena exclaimed, hitting the side of the radio its stand. Raven was laying down in an attempt to rest her leg and looked at Lena.

The pair had been doing everything they could think of to contact anyone from their Earth and nothing. Not one scrap of evidence that anyone could hear their message for help.

"Kara said her friends would look for the two of you on every Earth. Take a break, get some sleep - more than two hours - and we'll try again." Raven was being logical, even though Lena had spent days in her lab with little sleep, these past few days were leaving her frazzled.

Turning away from the radio, Lena looked at Raven realising that with Lexa's departure her place to sleep had also been taken away. Lena could see Raven's mind working, coming to the same realisation she had. Without a word, Raven moved over in her bed to make room for the scientist.

Lena knew Anya would likely have her head for even sleeping next to Raven, but it was a risk she didn't care about right now. Anya was the last thing on her mind, however functional it was, as she moved over to the edge of Raven's bed.

Raven was starting to doze off, deciding to pull Lena down fully by her shoulder next to her, somehow knowing she wouldn't have willingly done so herself.

"Get some sleep Lena, we'll look at the radio again when we wake up." Raven's words were barely a murmer from her lips, Lena not even fully comprehending her as sleep pulled her under.


Before she knew it, her scouts had reports of Queen Nia only a few hours from Polis. Two days had passed quickly, with little happening. Lexa had been avoiding Clarke since the throne room, Kara had been seen looking around the city, earning some curious glances from her warriors.

Right now, Lexa was preparing for Queen Nia's arrival, it would no doubt be taxing and pointless, but none ths less, she had to be welcomed into Polis like any other clan leader. Donned in her usual armour, Lexa knew what she needed to do before Nia arrived, she had to speak with Clarke. She needed to understand Clarke's end goals for this.

Knowing her guards were in the halls, Lexa didn't trust Nia not to have gotten to at least one of them. It was for that reason precisely that she had another way to move between the rooms on this floor created after Costia. It was partly her guards knowing she visited her a lot that clued them into her feelings for her and at the end if it, getting her killed.

Heading towards the far side of her main room, the bookshelves separated by a tapestry hanging from the wall hid the doorway. Made by one of the oldest craftsmen in Polis the wall behind the tapestry couldn't be distinguished as anything other than a continuation of the wall. Lexa held the tapestry out of her way as she pushed on a single stone of the doorway, with great effort the door slowly swung inwards to Clarke's chambers.

Lexa didn't want the guards outside to hear her calling for Clarke, which would expose a secondary entrance into her chambers, thus giving her a good reason for simply pushing the door closed again and wandering freely. The doorway opened up to reveal one of the side rooms of the chambers, one rarely used by guests now.

Hoping Clarke would be in the main room, Lexa set off to the corridor connecting the two rooms. It seemed strange, walking around these rooms without Clarke's knowledge, even if she did own them. Through the archway, Lexa couldn't see any sign of Clarke and none after she made her way fully into the room.

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