Returning to Arkadia

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When Anya had informed them all of what Luna had told her, with Raven corroborating the information Lena wasn't sure what to do. This wasn't a problem she could fix, there was nothing she could work with to make things easier. It left her feeling helpless.

Raven caught her interest though, she wasn't talking to anyone, had even shrugged Clarke off when she tried. Spending a few days in a tent with the woman, Lena was pretty sure she knew what was wrong, and it broke her heart. It was that feeling of helplessness and sadness for Raven that had the older woman stood outside her door.

The chance she opened the was slim, so it surprised her when Raven opened it a minute after her knocking.

"What can I do?" Asking what was wrong, from personal experience would have been the wrong thing. Unless you know what's wrong, you don't know enough to attempt helping. Not with this.

"Can you get me back to Arkadia today? I don't want to be here." Raven looked through Lena, a thing she didn't think would change whilst she was here.

Nodding, Lena spoke softly. "Give me five minutes." Letting the door close in her face, she returned to her own room with Kara. It wouldn't take much to convince Kara to help her get Raven home, at least she needed it not to.

"Kara?" Sat at the end of the bed, Kara was sitting in the mid-morning sun, bathing in it's warmth.

"Why do you have your 'I need a favour face' on?" Kara looked up at her from the floor curious.

Lena knelt down so she was level with the blonde. "Because I need a favour." Leaning in for a kiss, Kara knew Lena was buttering her up before asking. "Can you fly Raven back to Arkadia in like five minutes?"

Attempting to go back in for another kiss, Kara pulled back. "Why?"

Lena bit her lip. "Raven likes Anya-" Kara cut her off.

"Say no more." Standing, Kara pulled Lena with her. "Are you coming too or am I just taking Raven?" Although she was surprise Kara had agreed so easily, she suspected Mon-El or Mike had something to do with it.

The pair made their way to Raven's room, knocking once before entering to find Raven sat on the bed messing with a radio. She didn't even look up when the duo walked in.

"Ready to go?"

"Ready to go where?" All three looked to the door, behind Kara and Lena to find Clarke stood in the corridor. The blonde pushed open the partially open door to get a better look at the trio.

"Arkadia. I'm dropping her off and we will be right back, at the latest an hour." Kara put herself between Lena and Clarke.

Clarke rolled her eyes. "Why? And why not tell Lexa?" Lena couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Are you being serious Clarke? Raven is your friend and all you care about is whether Lexa knows what we're doing?" She knew she was overstepping, but come on? Lena might not have had much experience with friendships, but you did whatever it took to help them.

"If it jeopardises our peace with Lexa, then yes I am against it. I have sacrificed too much to see it all come crumbling down because - and I am sorry Raven - one person can't put their feelings aside to see the bigger picture." Lena was shocked, this was her friend.


Standing in front of Clarke as she talked about the bigger picture and doing what was right, Kara couldn't stand to hear it. Acting like she was the only one to understand such decisions and have made such decisions was self-centred.

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