"So, you think we're hot?"

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The tension in the air was high, Root and Shaw watching the group of women at the door while Clarke waited for an answer. "Okay, introductions first." She rubbed her eyes and stretched. "Root and Shaw meet Raven, Luna, Kara, Lena, and Sara."

Waving with their guns, it didn't lighten the atmosphere, none of them waving back. "Without the guns you two."

Rolling her eyes, Shaw dropped her gun into her lap as Root dropped one of hers onto the floor by the tub. "We saw Raven and Luna last night."

Clarke stood from the tub, head shaking at the two of them, knowing full well that Raven would be trying to hide a red face. She was doing remarkably well considering, her cheeks only a slight shade darker than the rest of her face.

"I want to say it's nice to meet you, but why are you with Clarke and carrying guns?" Kara glared at the two women still sat in the tub, neither looking like they were going to start moving any time soon.

With a hit on her arm from Root, Shaw sat forward and stood, hopping over the side of the tub before turning to help Root out. "I met Clarke at the bar last night standing alone and thought she could use a drinking buddy."

Sara crossed her arms. "Okay, now tell us what you're really doing here?"

Clarke frowned, "What?" Glancing between Sara and her new friends she wasn't sure what was happening, her head pounding and making thinking difficult.

Sighing, Root put her remaining gun into a holster at her back. "Fine. We got asked by The Machine to look into three newbies that popped up in the city. Normally we only do New York and The Machine will leave Starling and Central Cities to their respective heroes, but it wanted more intel on you lot." Her eyes darted around the newcomers to Earth One.

"What are you talking about?" Clarke asked.

Shaw shrugged. "Honestly, it's a long story that you don't need to hear. All you need to know is that we came here to do a job, found you lot kinda fun so stayed."

Kara tilted her head. "They're telling the truth."

Root smiled, "Listening to our hearts won't get you anything. She's a sociopath and I'm a former assassin and hacker."

Raven laughed. "Sara, she's like you."

Giving her a look, Raven quieted. "Don't." She turned to Root. "So what, you want us to believe that you came here only to make sure no one was a threat and then leave again?"

They both nodded. "Yep."

"This is ridiculous, how is anyone thinking that they are telling the truth?" Kara argued.

"You don't have to believe us, but if you don't mind we have a plane to catch in an hour and new ID's to pick up on the way." Root crouched, picking hers and Shaw's guns from the floor.

Taking her gun, Shaw holstered it. "Back to New York?"

Root shook her head. "Not yet, she's sending us to Alaska."


With a shrug, the duo tried to pass the group in the doorway. "I don't know why, but we need to pick up new ID's before we can fly. The address is a few minutes from here." Root stopped to look at Kara and Sara still standing in her way. "Can you please move?"

"How do we know we can trust you?" Kara didn't like them, they knew that but it didn't mean stopping them wasn't annoying.

"Because if we were a problem The Machine could have outed you the first time Barry brought you to this Earth. Instead she asked us to make sure these lot weren't going to get into trouble." Shaw gestured to Raven. "Especially this one. You talk about blowing stuff up way too much."

Raven grinned. "It's fun to do."

Shaw turned to Kara. "And you wonder why we were asked to look in on you?"

Biting her lip, Kara sighed. "Fair point. But why stick around and how did you end up in the bathroom?"

Clarke piped up. "I'd like to know how we ended up in here too."

Root put an arm around Shaw's shoulders. "Well we were helping Clarkie here get back but she seemed to have picked up the wrong room key but wasn't making much sense by the time we got here." She looked at Raven and Luna and smirked. "We walked in on these two when Clarke decided to run in here."

Raven was suddenly very red, flashes of her and Luna last night flicking through her mind. Thankfully, Sara spoke next to snap her out of it before she remembered anything after kissing in the club.  "But then why stay in here?"

"The bath was comfy." They both explained. Their answers given, the duo pushed their way past Raven and Luna. "Now we really must be going, but if you're ever in New York you should find us." They were already walking away, leaving a rather confused group in their wake, the door clicking shut behind them.

Standing there for a minute, Clarke was still confused. "One thing I still don't get, who got us the hotel rooms?"

Kara smiled. "You can thank Thea once again. The club is doing pretty well and gave us all keys last night at the club since sleeping at the bunker isn't that pleasant." Holding up her own room key to prove it, she dropped it a second later to put in the back pocket of her jeans.

Sara clapped her hands, earning several groans from people. "Now it's not that I want you all to leave, but we should be getting you all back before Lexa has my head for keeping a certain blonde away too long and for once I am not talking about myself."

Kara laughed, knowing the woman's ways with women she too was surprised she hadn't managed to kiss anyone this trip. "Not like you Sara."

She huffed. "I know, Mick's going to have a field day with it when I'm back if he ever finds out just how hot you all are."

Raven smirked, leaning to put her arm around her. "So, you think we're hot?"

Leaning her head closer, her lips were inches from Raven's. "I'm not blind and I'm not a saint."

"None of us said you were." Quicker than Sara could process, the Latino's lips pressed against hers in a quick kiss, earning a few gasps from their friends. "And neither am I."

Pulling away from Sara completely, Raven turned from the bathroom to find her shoes, everyone standing around to watch her. "What?"

Luna frowned. "Why did you just do that?"

Looking for her shoe, she threw a pillow back on the bed. "Now she doesn't have to get mocked by Rick or whatever his name is for not kissing one of us." Looking up, Luna didn't seem impressed. "Besides, it was only a peck and even if my memories of last night are hazy at best, I know I gave you more than that."

A faint red blush covered Luna's cheeks making Clarke bite back a laugh. "How are you so sure?"

Not missing a beat, Raven crouched on the floor and rose with one shoe. "Because I am sore in places I haven't been since my first time with Finn."

"He was bad for you too?" Clarke's question shot out like a reflex, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as she scrunched her eyes shut.

Lena and Sara laughed while Luna grinned and Kara turned a little red. Clearing her throat, the Super interrupted before Raven could respond. "We should really start heading back, don't you think?"

Raven held her shoe up like she was going to throw it at Clarke, thinking better of it. "Yeah, preferably before I need to explain to Commander Heart Eyes how her girlfriend ended up tied to the thrusters."

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