"Last stop for residents of Earth 38."

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A/N - I'm back! Sorry for the long wait, things have been busy for me lately. This week I've had to think of what to do with this story, whether the next few chapters are the last or if it should carry on. Let me know what you all think.


Arriving on Earth 38, the Jump Ship landed on the roof of a tall building in the middle of a city, Kara and Lena instantly grinning at the familiar city spread out below them.

"We should be good for the time and Gideon is the timeline still good?" Sara asked as she lowered the ship down to the roof, a few people already stood waiting for them.

"The timeline is back to normal, Captain. No anachronisms are being detected." Gideon sounded really happy about that, but no one commented. Everyone was too busy looking around at what they could see, even Alex was smiling at the familiar faces she could make out as they landed on the roof.

Just as Sara was turning the engine off, Alex asked. "And you're sure we're back seconds after we left?"

Sara laughed. "Yes. Believe it or not Alex, I am good at flying a time ship from the future." Those that were in seats got up as each one gave off a slight click and released the safety measure keeping them seated.

It was cramped in the ship as people began to stand, Sara, made her way to the door to unlock it. "Last stop for residents of Earth 38." Smiling, she nodded to the three that would be leaving, while Luna looked wary of the saying.

Sunlight hits the group as the door whirs open, lowering to the floor as a ramp. Instantly, Alex is walking down and embracing J'onn, the DEO Director hugging her as tight as he could without hurting her. Kara caught Clarke smiling fondly at the moment, but let her be.

Watching the long moment between Alex and J'onn, Kara felt Lena's hand find hers as she stood next to her on the ramp. "We're back."

Lena chuckled and squeezed her hand. "We are." Her happiness didn't last long, as she sighed at Kara's side. "Which means I need to get going soon."

At the unexpected news, Kara turned to look at her fully, Lena already tired just thinking about the amount of paperwork she needed to do. "Just take a few minutes before you jump back into work for the next however many hours it takes before I bring you food." She smiled, the two of them still in her clothes from their night out on Earth 1.

"Are you two coming or not?" Alex's teasing question reached their ears, Kara only just realising that they were the only one's left on the ramp. Everyone had already departed and was standing on the roof waiting for the two of them to make a move to join them. The shock on their faces earned a few laughs, mainly from Alex and J'onn, who pulled Kara into - what should have been - a bone-crushing hug, the moment she was close enough.

Several seconds into the hug, J'onn lets go and steps back, fixing her with a glare. "Never do that again."

Kara smiled, J'onn not nearly as scary after seeing Lexa angry, but she saluted him. "I'll try, but no promises."

With a glare, he reached into his pocket and pulled out one of her many spare pairs of glasses. "Something told me you might need these." He smiled at her, as she took them, putting them back on her face with a sigh.

"I missed these." Kara now looked more like Kara Danvers instead of Kara Zor-El as she fiddled with the frames of her glasses.

Raven piped up from their group off to the side. "Why do you need glasses? You have better than perfect vision."

Luna was just as curious, although she seemed to hide it a little better. Still, Kara walked over to them with a fond smile. "They help control my powers, or at least they did when I first got here. Now they just mean I don't have to concentrate all the time on not using my x-ray vision or super hearing unless I want to." She shrugged. "And they help keep my identity a secret."

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