"I'll be right here the entire time."

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A/N - Short chapter, but I hope to get back to some form of a schedule for this after a really busy few weeks. Hope you enjoy!


Returning to the main room, Raven only let go of Luna's hand when she had to jump up to sit on the table Felicity had shown them. Their joined hands garnered a few glances, especially by Clarke.

"Let's get this over with." Raven let her legs swing, inches from the ground as she waited for Felicity to tell her what to do next. 

Smiling at her, Felicity nodded to the table. "In that case, I think everyone should on the other side of the bunker." Nodding, everyone started for the other side of the bunker, Clarke and Luna not moving as the others passed them.

"You two coming?" Sara glanced at the two women no moving, not surprised.

"I am fine waiting here." Luna didn't move her gaze from Raven, keeping her word to the girl. To prove her point, she moved to stand at the end of the table, right where Raven's head would be once she lay down.

Clarke shrugged. "I figured knowing how it was put it might come in handy if we can't get hold of you if something goes wrong." It was wise, especially with how often things tended to go wrong on their Earth. The chances of Raven's implant working perfectly her entire life - however long that might be - were slim.

"Okay then." Sara nodded, stepping back to follow the others. "Good luck."

Finally alone, Felicity motioned to the table. "Lie down and we'll get started." Doing what she said, Raven lay on her front, head resting in her arm as she felt movement around her. "I'm just going to start an IV and then inject you with an anaesthetic so you won't feel a thing. Okay?"

Nodding in answer, Raven didn't even flinch at the needles going into her skin, the pain not even a pinch compared to her leg. Her head was still buried in her arm when a hand wrapped around her free one. Glancing up, Luna's hand encased hers, the woman now sat down in front of her, a twitch in her lips curling up in a smile.

"I'll be right here the entire time." Luna didn't speak loudly, the words as quiet as she had been earlier, Raven hearing them only because her focus had shifted solely to the leader in front of her.

Smiling, Raven took a deep breath, letting the lack of pain allow her to drift off, a peaceful sleep welcoming her. The first since her journey to the ground.

While Raven slept, Clarke watched Felicity go through the procedure, the implant quickly in place. In no time at all,  Felicity was done, stitching up the incision quickly with the precision that only comes from practice.

"So, that should work perfectly for the rest of her life now?" Clarke asked, breaking the silence that had fallen on their side of the bunker, Raven still asleep on the table.

Felicity put down her equipment and bandaged the incision. "Yes, providing she isn't hit with an EMP."

"Unless she makes them, it won't be." Clarke nodded to Raven, lying on the table, Luna still holding her hand.

Nodding, Felicity took off her gloves. "In that case, she will be fine." Breathing out a sigh of relief, Clarke heard Luna do the same sat with Raven. Part of her wanted to stay with her, make sure she was okay but with Luna there, Clarke left.

Joining everyone else, they were quietly talking amongst themselves as they waited, laughter rising from them as she got closer. "You couldn't beat me." Sara laughed at Thea.

Unable to stop herself, Clarke asked. "What won't she beat you at?"

Thea pointed at Sara. "She doesn't believe that I could beat her in a race on the salmon ladder!" Compared to their quiet conversation as she walked over, Thea's comment was almost a shout although not too loud.

Oliver raised his hand. "Can you even do the salmon ladder?" At his sister's face, he laughed, Sara joining him quickly.

Mouth open, Thea gaped at the two of them. "I bet you I can beat Sara's time on the salmon ladder."

Their laughter quickly stopped.

They looked at each other. "What're the stakes?" Sara raised an eyebrow at Thea.

Folding her arms, Thea smiled. "If you win, I will buy you whatever new weapon you want. If I win, you buy me a new bow."

Clarke wasn't sure if this was a fair deal or not, but everyone else seemed to have gotten serious at the terms. So much so, that Sara hesitated in her response, even if it was only by a second. "Fine. But I hope you know I need a lot of new weapons."

Reaching to shake hands, Thea laughed. "I expect nothing less, although you haven't seen the bow I have my eye on."

On the other side of the bunker, Luna could hear the laughter but it was faint, her focus solely on Raven as she slept in front of her. Hand still in hers, she rubbed the back of it with her thumb, pausing only to lean her head against Raven's. Even asleep the girl seemed tense, a slight frown in her forehead as though she was thinking about the world even now.

"Yu ait. (You're okay)" Murmuring the words into the brunette's hair, Luna felt her shift on the table. Glancing up from her position, she caught her legs moving too. Smiling, she moved her attention back to Raven's face, the crease in her brow still there.

Please let this have worked. The prayer wasn't said to anyone in particular, Luna not even sure what God's existed on this Earth but she hoped one had heard her.

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