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Raven's face matched her jacket after Clarke's radio went silent, although most of the group wasnt fairing much better after the conversation they had unintentionally overheard. Each of them looked varying shades of embarrassed, impressed or awkward, Lena leaning towards impressed.

"So, Grounder Princess. Care to tell us about this Earth so we don't accidentally start a fight?" The blonde, whom Lena admitted was attractive, smirked at Anya.

"Do you make it a habbit of accidentally starting fights?" Anya didn't look impressed with everything that had happened, although Lena had barely seen her smile since she had met her.

"Actually, yes." She looked at some of the others in the group, all of whom nodded in agreement.

"First. Introductions." Kara grinned next to her. 

"Seriously Kara? We're going to have to do them in ten minutes anyway."

"Shut up Alex! Not everyone here knows everyone. Everyone, Lena Lurthor. Lena, this is; Barry and Sara. Barry, Sara; this is Anya and Raven." Kara looked like a puppy, so happy that everyone knew each other now that Lena couldn't help but smile.

"Now that everyone knows each other can we get started?" Alex didn't look impressed by any of this.

"Yes. Heda Lexa is our leader, she is the Leader of the Twelve Clans. Heda means Commander, do not under any circumstances call her by anything else unless given permission, to do so would mean death. You are new threats, until deemed otherwise. Do not think she will hold back on ridding herself of you if you prove dangerous to our people. Although we are flying in from the balcony, I suggest none of you linger there too long-" Anya didn't get any further as Sara cut in.


"Why what?"

"Why shouldn't we stay on the balcony? It seems like a good place to study the layout of the city." Lena didn't want to admit it, but she was confused to.

Kara jumped in before Anya could answer. "She likes to kick people off it when she's mad."

Lena was shocked, Kara had said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. Alex obviously agreed. "What do you mean she kicks people off the balcony and why are you acting like that is normal?"

Kara looked slightly confused at her sister's anger, which worried the Luthor a little. "She had her reasons. Besides, from what she said, it was that or she let him attempt to stab her in the back."

Anya frowned. "Was he Ice Nation?"

Kara looked at the grounder. "Yeah, why?"

Anya nodded her head. "She has made a habit of kicking them off the balcony, but only after months of minor treason she could never prove. Anyway, we have gotten off topic."

Alex stepped closer to Kara, stopping Anya from continuing her explanation. "Kara. Why are you so okay with this? A week ago you would have jumped after him, and now you sound like this was the most normal thing in the world?" Lena was glad she wasn't the only one worried about the blonde.

Kara sighed. "Alex, are you serious? Don't think for a second I didn't want to save him, but doing so would have put Clarke and Lexa in more danger. Even without me causing problems, Clarke had a knife thrown at her this morning by the guy's replacement. If I hadn't caught the knife, she or Lexa would be dead."

Kara stepped closer to Alex. "Do not, mistake my lack of action for anything other than keeping my friends safe. I am not Supergirl here, you do not get to judge my decisions as anything other than my sister." Kara looked Alex in the eye. "Understand?"

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