chapter 4

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Dean woke up the next morning to the sound of his phone ringing, he looked down and saw Cas sleeping in his arms, just like he had been for the past few nights. He smiled and grabbed his phone as carefully as he could, to not wake him up and answered it

"hello" he whispered "hey Dean, i just called to tell you that i'm gonna be back in like 20 minutes" and with that Dean was fully awake "oh okay, did you eat or should i make breakfast"

"why are you whispering, is everything okay" "yeah everythings fine, i just woke up so my throat hurts a little" he lied, he couldn't exactly tell him 'oh i just didn't wanna wake Cas who's sleeping in my arms at the moment'

"okay and no don't make breakfast i was just gonna bring us some on my way" "alright, i'll see you soon Sammy" "see you" with that he hung up the phone and looked down at Cas.

Dean put his hand on his cheek and stroked it with his thumb "Cas" he whispered "hmm" was all he got in return, he smiled to himself at how cute he was "baby you gotta wake up, Sam's gonna be here soon" at that he finally opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Dean staring back at him

"good morning" Dean leaned down and kissed him, he pulled away and smiled "good morning" "how long until Sam arrives" "he's getting breakfast so probably like 15 minutes" Cas nodded and started to get out of bed, he stood up and went for the door when he felt someone grab his wrist and spin him around.

Dean cupped his face with both hands and kissed him, " i know that things are gonna be a little different with Sam here but just remember that this is only for now"

Cas nodded but still looked upset, Dean put his hand on his cheek and turned him to face him "hey, i love you okay?" he smiled and nodded " i love you too Dean" he kissed him one last time before he left the room.

Dean sighed, he knew that Cas was hurting and he didn't want to hide either but he also didn't want to risk his brother hating him. He just shook his head and decided to take a quick shower before his brother got back.

He got out 10 minutes later and got dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt and a blue shirt on top. He went into the kitchen "hey is Sam back yet?" Cas looked up and smiled at him and shook his head slightly.

"Good" Cas was confused but quickly understood when Dean went over and kissed him. He pulled away and sat down, smiling "just needed one more before Sammy gets back" "one more what?"

They both turned to see Sam walking down the stairs, they had no idea how he heard them "just wanted to check hoe his wound was healing one more time before you got here. So that we didn't have to worry about it" he replied swiftly

"Oh okay, everything good?" "Yeah it's healing normally" "great well, i brought a surprise other than food. It's in the garage and it should be here in like 2 minutes" they were both confused but then the door from the garage opened and they all smiled

"Hey Kev, i didn't think you'd be back for another couple days" since they closed the gates of hell, Metatron was in heavens jail and the angels were back in heaven. They thought that the prophet deserved some vacation days.

Quick Author's note: i just want things to be perfect so that the story centers more around destiel than fighting. Also i kinda forgot about Kevin so this was my way of putting him in.

"I was supposed to be, but weirdly enough i missed you assholes" Sam acted offended, putting his hand over his heart and dramatically gasping while Cas just chuckled. Dean got up to help set the table, ruffling Kevin's hair on his way "i missed you too kid"

They sat and ate together, talking about random things. And what happened since the last time they saw eachother, of course Dean and Castiel leaving out a few things from the last few days.

They decided not to look for a case that day but to just have a nice day all together, they had a game night which was alot of fun until they pulled out the Uno cards. Everyone knows that game ruins friendships.

It was hard throughout the day for Dean and Cas to hide their relationship, Dean missed the feeling of Cas' lips on his. Especially when they were playing Uno, Dean made him draw 4 cards and he looked so sad and betrayed.

He also happened to look extremely cute, at least to Dean. He had to resist the urge to grab his face and kiss the frown away right then and there. It freaked Dean out a little bit just how much he cared for his angel, he was terrified of getting hurt or worse, hurting him.

But then he would look over to Cas and see his smile, his amazing, adorable smile and all his worries would wash away in an instant. He was happy, for once everything was great even if Cas was human now they could deal with anything.

The day ended with movies and lots of snacks, even Sam ate some junk food. They watched the Star wars prequels since Cas had never watched them and all three loved them.

They were gonna continue watching the original trilogy but Kevin had fallen asleep and they decided to continue it another time. Sam said goodnight before carrying Kevin to his room, none of them had the heart to wake him up.

Cas started walking back to his room after him and Dean finished cleaning up when he felt a hand grab his arm "and where exactly do you think you're going" "i'm going to my room Dean" he replied extremely confused. "You make a guy lose at Uno one time and suddenly he sleeps in his own bed" he says jokingly

Of course Cas being Cas, thought he was serious and quickly shook his head signalling that Dean was wrong "i'm kidding Cas, but seriously why do you wanna sleep in your room" "well i don't want to, I'd much rather sleep next to you but i thought that with Sam here you wouldn't want to risk him catching us in the morning"

"We have to give up alot to keep this a secret but this is something i won't give up as sappy and cliche as it sounds, i like having you in my arms" Cas smiled and kissed Dean "i like being in your arms" this time it was Dean's turn to smile and kiss him

They went back into Dean's room, changed into more confortable clothing and feel soundly asleep in eachothers arms.


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