Chapter 15

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Castiel silently walked through the abandoned warehouse, looking around every time he heard a silent echo in the empty building. He tightened his grip on the angel blade in his hand when he approached a closed door, he could feel the dark energy coming from it 'found you' he thought to himself. He walked slowly and pushed on the door.

It opened with a loud creak, making him wince and look around. He felt her presence but she was nowhere in sight, suddenly before he could do anything a long rope wrapped around him, stopping him from moving and he heard a wicked laugh come from the shadows. With the sound of heels clicking on the floor none other than Abaddon herself came out, smirking at the angel who was now trapped and unable to use his powers.

He glared at her as she sat him down in a chair and circled around him "what is this?" he asked while pulling on the rope, groaning as the action failed making it tighter around himself "you forget that i'm in the body of a former member of the Men of Letters, they figure out how to trap an angel in holy oil yet still be able to question him" she let out a small laugh as she approached him, with the angel blade he had dropped in the struggle.

She ran it along his jawline slowly "way better than that pesky ring of fire don't you think" she asked but he didn't bother answering her, his glare intensifying "quit your pouting it'll be over soon" she said in a mock soft tone, she checked her wrist looking at the watch that sat there "if you're gonna kill me just kill me, you already have me trapped so what are you waiting for" he spat out, she just laughed in return.

"Poor naïve little Castiel, you still think this is about you?" he looked up confused "this-" she motioned to the rope "was nothing more than a simple party trick" she leaned in closer "this isn't a trap for you-" he finished her sentence "it's a trap for Dean" she nodded "now you're getting it" she said louder and smirked, she checked her watch again "and he should be here any minute" she laughed and Cas shook his head in disbelief.

"If you hurt him i will kill you, i promise you that" he threatened but she just grew silent and kneeled in front of him "what can you do to me?" he smirked "you act all tough and pretend that nothing can hurt you but we both know that's not true" she didn't say anything so he just continued "you climbed your way out of hell that takes a lot of strength, it also takes a lot of power. Power that doesn't come back, you might have been invincible as a knight of hell but now you're no better than any other low level demon"

He spat out the last words like they were venom on his tongue "if Dean doesn't kill you the moment he gets here then i will, i will kill you slowly and painfully" she didn't react much except for a smirk "why so bitter, are you upset because i went back on our deal?" she said in a mocking tone and scoffed but he was not having it "you took everything from me" he said looking up, more anger showing than hurt.

"I lost the man i love, i broke him to the point where he might never forgive me all so that i could keep him safe from you" he continued but was cut off "oh no you haven't broken him yet but you will soon enough" she said in a sadistic tone, pushing the tip of the angel blade against his abdomen "you see when he get's here all he's gonna find is the love of his life lying dead on the floor with the knowledge that he couldn't save you and still thinking that you never loved him" she smirked evilly.

"Then while he's distracted I'm going to kill his brother making sure he sees my face right before i disappear and leave him all heartbroken and alone for months until i come back to kill him myself" she finished slowly and Cas looked at her scared "no" he said barely above a whisper. the next sound in the room was a loud scream as the angel blade pierced the skin, the lifeless body falling to the floor in a pool of blood.

10 minutes ago:

The two hunters got to the abandoned warehouse in record time, Dean jumped out almost forgetting to put Baby in park and went to the trunk. They both got their weapons from the trunk and rushed to find Cas. They were searching frantically when they heard a loud voice "now you're getting it" they looked at each other for confirmation before running in that direction.

"If you hurt him i will kill you, i promise you that" they heard the angel say, Dean sighed in relief knowing that he was alright "what can you do to me?" the reply came which made him glare even though he couldn't see her "you act all tough and pretend that nothing can hurt you but we both know that's not true" they were both confused but intrigued "you climbed your way out of hell that takes a lot of strength, it also takes a lot of power. Power that doesn't just come back, you might have been invincible as a knight of hell but now you're no better than any other low level demon"

Dean grinned knowing that they had a way to kill her, but it fell the second he heard them continue "if Dean doesn't kill you the moment he gets here then i will, i will kill you slowly and painfully" there was silence for a moment "why so bitter, are you upset because i went back on our deal?" the hunters looked at each other in disbelief, there was no way he made a deal with her "you took everything from me" that definitely caught Dean's attention.

"I lost the man i love, i broke him to the point where he might never forgive me all so that i could keep him safe from you" Dean let out a low gasp, not loud enough for them to hear but making Sam look back at him, realization covering his features "oh no you haven't broken him yet but you will soon enough" they heard her say in a sadistic tone "you see when he get's here all he's gonna find is the love of his life lying dead on the floor knowing he couldn't save you and still thinking that you never loved him" 

"Then while he's distracted I'm going to kill his brother making sure he sees my face right before i disappear and leave him all heartbroken and alone for months until i come back to kill him myself" she finished slowly and Cas looked at her scared "no" he said barely above a whisper. the next sound in the room was a loud scream as the angel blade pierced the skin, the lifeless body falling to the floor in a pool of blood.

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