Chapter 7

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Author's note: warning this chapter contains extreme smut, with jealous top/dom Cas

It had been a month since Dean told his brother about his relationship, leaving out a few details of course. Even though he had previously promised to not ask too many questions he was extremely curious and ended up breaking while on their way back to another hunt a few towns over, it was a silent ride with nothing but music after talking about the case for a bit.

Sam sighed and turned the music off "Dean can i ask you something?" he looked at Sam and then back at the road "shoot" he said a little curious "well it's about your relationship..." he rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly at his little brother "well you lasted longer than i thought you would, which is exactly what all your dates say" he laughed at his own joke, trying to change the subject slightly.

Sam gave him his classic bitchface "dude" he just smiled and focused on the road again "seriously though come on, you haven't told me anything about her and i stayed quiet for a whole month" he rolled his eyes again, tensing a little at what was to come but let out a defeated sigh and said "fine, what do you wanna know?" Sam had a huge grin on his face at the fact that his brother was going to actually answer his questions.

He turned to face his brother better "okay for starters how did you meet and when, you said you've been dating for a couple months but you never actually specified how long" Dean nodded, that was an easy question to start with which made him happy. He took a deep breath before talking, he had to make sure he didn't slip up and use the wrong pronouns while explaining he avoided eye contact while talking.

"Well actually we've known each other for years now but only as friends and then about 10 months ago things changed between us for the better" Sam's eyes widened "wow 10 months?" he nodded before continuing with some details "yeah you remember that one case a couple months back, the werewolf that scratched Cas up pretty bad?" he nodded and let him continue "well then you also remember the next morning when you came to tell me that you were going to see Eileen and you found the hickey on my neck?" Sam's eyes widened again at the realization.

"Oh my god that's why you were acting so weird that day, well more so than usual" he quickly glared at his brother before facing the road again, he started going a little faster but not enough for Sam to notice. He wanted to get there as fast as possible so that he wouldn't have to answer too many questions, Sam nodded while processing the information he was given before turning back to Dean with another question.

"Wait does that mean that she's been to the bunker?" Dean paused before answering, should he really be telling Sam this part "well you mentioned about my door always being locked and my lack of sleep during hunts when we talked about this last time" he nodded again "now i swear to god if you react in any way i will punch you, seriously i mean it no aww's or ooh's none of that okay?" Sam smiled but responded quickly "whatever dude just tell me" Dean tightened his grip on the steering wheel and bit his lip before finishing his sentence.

"Well you were right about the not sleeping on hunts and that's because we always sleep in the same bed and it's hard for me to sleep alone now" he mumbled the last part but his brother still heard him and had a huge grin on his face, Dean glared at him again "shut up" Sam let out a laugh "hey i didn't say anything" "yeah but your face did" he rolled his eyes at his immature older brother but didn't comment since a question just popped into his head and he quickly turned to his brother.

"Wait does that mean that she's a hunter too?" he asked and saw his brother tense up a little at the question, Dean needed to be careful how he answered this so first he just nodded "well i knew that i probably couldn't make this work with someone who wasn't in the life like us you know, i tried that it didn't exactly work" Sam's face softened at the hurt in his voice "so yeah i think that's why we work, we both know about the life and the consequences it could come with plus we help each other through the hard parts of the job. It's nice having someone to talk to when i wake up in the middle of night from a nightmare or even when i can't sleep. It's just nice having someone you know?"

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