Chapter 8

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It was two weeks before their one year anniversary and Dean had been planning a surprise for Cas, actually two surprises one of them being that he was finally gonna tell Sam about them. He had enough with the hiding and the secrets, he was happy and he wanted his little brother to know about it. He came into Cas' room to tell him what he was going to do but instead found him packing a bag.

He was confused since nobody said anything about going on a case "where you going?" Cas looked up at Dean and smiled "some of the angels who we helped contacted me and said that they had a lead on where Metatron kept some of my grace, I'm going to follow it" Dean nodded and smiled, he knew how much Cas wanted this "great just give me a few minutes to pack and I'll come with you" Cas paused and sighed.

"Dean you can't come with me" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "why not?" he walked over to Dean "because this is something i have to do alone, plus I'm gonna have to take another angel with me and i don't want her anywhere near you. Even if most of them are grateful of your help bringing them back to heaven some are still wary of you, this one in particular has mixed feelings toward you" Dean was confused by this "what do you mean?"

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck "well when i first became human, before i came back home i spent some time with an angel named Hannah and she-" he took a pause "she started to develop feelings for me but i shot her down and she got jealous because instead of staying with her i was worried about getting to you as quickly as possible since you guys were in trouble"

Dean leaned in and kissed his boyfriend before pulling away with a sigh "fine just promise me you'll come back to me before our anniversary" Cas smiled at the mention and kissed him again "i will don't worry" he walked back to finish packing and Dean stood there, a little worried about what would happen when Cas was an angel again. He was brought out of his thoughts by Cas calling his name. "Did you hear anything i said"

"What? no, sorry" Cas looked concerned and walked over to him "I asked if you were okay" he nodded and smiled at his angel "yeah i just hope you can actually make it back on time, i have a surprised planned and i don't want you to miss it" he lied, not wanting to concern Cas with his worries right before he left. Little did he know that Cas was also worried about how their relationship would change after getting his grace back.

Dean kissed his angel again, this time longer and more passionate trying to put all the words he wanted to say into the kiss, Cas realized this and kissed him back harder to reassure him that they would be fine. They broke away for air after a while but kept their foreheads together and their eyes closed, Dean kept his hands on his boyfriends face not yet ready to let go. "how much time do we have before you leave?" Cas smiled "I'm not leaving until tonight" "good"

They knew that it would be at least a few days before they saw each other again so they made the most of their time together, not rough and fun like usual but instead slow and passionate showing their love in every movement. It was almost as if they knew that the next time they saw each other, everything would change and not for the better...

The next 10 days were hard for Dean, he couldn't sleep much and when he did he would usually have a nightmare about Cas getting hurt while gone. Still with all of that Dean tried his best to stay away from the alcohol in the bunker, he knew that Cas wouldn't want him going back to his old drinking habit because of him. He was beginning to think that he wouldn't be back before their anniversary but he did, he came back 3 days before but Dean really wished he hadn't.

Dean was sitting on his bed playing with something and thinking about his angel when Sam opened the door, he quickly shoved the thing back in his pocket before his brother could see and looked up "Cas is back, he's parking his car" he nodded, pretending like he didn't really care but the he turned his back Dean's face broke into a huge smile, 'finally' he thought to himself before basically sprinting to the kitchen.

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