Chapter 11

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Dean was just driving around in Baby for almost 6 hours when he looked at the time and realized how long he'd been gone, he decided to go back, he thought of going to get a drink but then ultimately decided against it. He wanted to be completely sober and as alert as he could be as long as he was anywhere near that monster, he also didn't want him anywhere near his family so he quickly drove back to Jodi's cabin. She immediately smiled when she saw him and hugged him while whispering "are you okay?" so no one else could hear to which he just nodded in response.

They walked to the living room where they were researching the case "so any leads yet?" he asked while sitting next to his brother Sam had a worried expression on his face "what?" he turned to his brother "nothing, I think Jodi was right, I don't know how but we're dealing with a demon and a pretty powerful one at that" he sighed angrily "damn it, I thought we got rid of those dicks" Sam shrugged and shook his head "guess not"

"What do you mean you got rid of them?" Pete spoke for the first time from the chair next to Dean's seat on the couch, making him immediately stiffen "Well I went through these three trials that closed the gates of hell forever and locked all the demons back in" Sam answered which made Pete smile "well I'm proud of you guys, you really grew up into great men since the last time I saw you" he said while leaning forward and putting his hand on Dean's leg.

"You know what I think you should keep researching and I'm just gonna go get started on making dinner because um Jodi is letting us stay here and she's just working so hard so I'm just gonna go help her with that" Dean said really quickly while getting up and going to the kitchen before anyone could question him. When he got there he had to take a deep breath to calm down "1...2...3...5...11...14...1....2...3...7...9...16" he whispered to himself until his breathing became stable.

Dean Winchester was a strong guy, he beat all the players in the book Angels, demons, werewolves, reapers, vampires, hell he even beat god's sister but still when he saw that man he went right back to being a weak teenager who was too scared to say anything about the things that were happening to him. He tried to distract himself with cooking, he needed a distraction if he wanted to keep the panic attacks and memories at bay especially since he didn't want to drink until this case was over. He didn't want to have a single point of vulnerability next to that monster.

He originally decided to just make spaghetti, something simple and quick but it was done way too fast for his liking and he didn't want to go back in there. He ended up making spaghetti, steak, mashed potatoes, chicken and even some salad for Sam he basically made everything in Jodi's fridge and made a mental note to restock those for her before they leave. While he was cutting the vegetables for the salad he felt a hand on his shoulder and instinctively turned around with the knife to the other person's neck, luckily they dodged it.

"Jeez jumpy much" he sighed and put his knife down "hey kid sorry, when did you get back" he patted Claire on the shoulder and she smiled "like ten minutes ago I was just watching you cook" he gave her a weird expression "creep" she laughed at him "no it's just fun to watch how focused you get" he nodded and went back to cutting the cucumbers, he reached and got another knife for Claire "you wanna help?" she nodded and went to wash her hands "what can I do?" 

He put a tomato on the cutting board next to him and gave her the knife "you can start by cutting this for the salad" after a while of cooking and joking around Claire went to get something from the fridge and that's when Dean noticed "hey why are you dressed so nice anyways, where did you go?" she paused before slowly closing the fridge and walking over to him while mumbling something "what?" she looked up a little annoyed "I had a date okay?"

Dean immediately took out his gun "so who do I need to talk to" he said while cocking his gun back, she smiled nervously a little scared of how he would react at the next part "well I would think that you were above threatening a girl" she said hesitantly she didn't really care when telling other people but as much as she hated to admit it Sam and Dean were like her dads and she wanted him to accept her.

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