Chapter 16

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"no" he said barely above a whisper. the next sound in the room was a loud scream as the angel blade pierced the skin, the lifeless body falling to the floor in a pool of blood.

As Abaddon's body fell to the floor Cas looked up in surprise to find Dean looking back at him with tears in his eyes, Sam slowly walking behind him. None of them said a word while Dean cut the ropes off of him, they walked out of the building in silence and no one knew what to say the entire car ride back to the motel. It wasn't until they got into their room that Sam finally said something.

"I'm gonna get another room, let you two talk" he said while walking out. Dean gave him the food he had bought before they left, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore. He shut the door behind his brother, still not saying anything, he didn't even look back at the angel "your brother's right Dean, we should talk" Cas finally said softly, Dean nodded "maybe we should" he locked the door "but i don't want to talk" he said while he turned around, walking to his angel and cupping his face in his hands "not tonight" he said before kissing him.

They both melted into the kiss that they longed for for the past three months, a kiss which soon turned rough and passionate. They started shedding each other's clothing quickly, not wanting to wait any longer to be together again. Soon enough they were both laying down in nothing but boxers, Dean was on top of Cas kissing him roughly. They both took in a sharp breath when Dean accidentally grinded down on him "more" Cas moaned before reconnecting their lips.

They continued to grind against each other until Dean started kissing down Cas's body, all the way until he got to his boxers. He looked up for permission and Cas nodded with a soft smile, telling him that it was okay to continue. He pulled down the last piece of fabric between them and took Cas into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down and speeding up at every moan coming from the angel's mouth.

He slowly reached two fingers up to Cas's mouth signaling for him to suck on them, which he did immediately. When Dean thought they were sufficiently wet he took them out and slid them behind Cas's legs circling his entrance slowly "please" he whined but it was cut short when he pushed one of the fingers in. By the time Dean had three fingers in Cas was a moaning mess, fingers tangled in Dean's hair while he sucked on his neck.

After a while Cas needed more, the fingers weren't enough anymore and he needed Dean "Dean please i need you inside me" he moaned out while the hunter licked a freshly made hickey on his neck, Dean nodded and kissed him. He flipped them over with their lips still connected, he broke away for a second "Cas i don't have any lube" he said and the angel smirked when he thought of an idea, he kissed down the hunter's chest all the way until his boxers, practically ripping them off.

Dean sat up and leaned his head against the headboard as Cas took all of him into his mouth, he dug his hand into Cas's hair and bobbed his head up and down in a fast rhythm. Dean couldn't take it anymore so he pulled Cas up by his hair and smashed their lips together, Cas was now straddling him with one knee on each side of his legs. They broke apart and Cas lifted himself up a little, Dean got the idea and took one hand off of the angel's waist and used it to align himself with Cas's entrance.

Both men groaned when he sunk all the way down, even after the prepping this was still a big adjustment. Cas stayed still for a little bit while just kissing Dean until he started moving slowly, making both of them moan "fuck i forgot how tight you always are for me baby" he kissed him passionately at the use of the nickname he's missed hearing so much, not being able to form a proper sentence to respond. It's been far too long since he felt that good, not only physically but also emotionally since he was finally with the love of his life again.

When he angled himself to the point where Dean was hitting his prostate with every thrust he started speeding up which drove the man under him crazy "fuck baby, just like that" Dean held him up a little higher and started thrusting up into him, sending waves of pleasure through both their bodies. The faster Dean got, the louder Cas's moans were and the hunter loved every single one of them, he missed the feeling he got from hearing those sounds coming out of his angel's mouth while he was buried deep inside him.

After a few more thrusts Cas could feel the familiar feeling building in his stomach "Dean" he practically whimpered out as the hunter continuously rammed into his prostate at an unforgiving pace "i know baby, me too" Dean spread Cas' legs a little more to get a better angle and went not only faster but harder too, while also stroking Cas to bring him to his climax. Cas moaned out Dean's name as he came, clenching around the hunter.

The feeling of his angel getting tighter around him and hearing him moan out his name pushed Dean over the edge and he reached his orgasm not long after Cas did, burying his face into the shorter man's chest as he rode out his high, releasing into him with a moan. They kissed him passionately for a while after that and Dean still hadn't pulled out yet, both of them enjoying the warmth of the other until Cas could feel the younger man start to harden again inside him.

He whimpered a little at the feeling but started rocking his hips again quickly getting hard from the feeling, pulling away from the kiss so that he could go harder "shit baby, don't stop" this time they were alot slower and less urgent with their touches, rarely ever breaking their lips apart except when the need for air became too much. Dean had flipped them over and got a better angle so that he could go even deeper into Cas but still at a slow rhythm, both of them showing all of their pent up emotions and how much they missed eachother through every movement.

Their movements picked up in speed a little when they knew that both of them were close, Cas being the worst one to finish and getting tighter around Dean just like before. It took the hunter a few more minutes before also reaching his climax for the second time tonight, burying his head in the crook of his angel's neck this time as he slowly rode out his orgasm. Cas let out a small whimper when he pulled out due to overstimulation "sorry baby" Dean whispered before giving him one last passionate kiss and getting up, making Cas whine at not only the loss of warmth from his hunter.

Cas was about to get up to find him after a few seconds but found himself unable to move from the soreness in his entire body, either way Dean came back not long after that with a wet cloth to clean up the angel's mess. Cas knew that he could've just used his powers to clean them up and get them dressed but he liked when Dean took care of him, it made him feel safe and the constant reassuring kisses as he helped him gave him hope that maybe they could actually fix things between them.

Dean laid down next to Cas when he was done, both of them wearing Dean's pajama pants and no shirts. Cas wrapped his arm around his hunter's torso and put his head on the other man's bare chest, both of them silently sighing in relief and happiness at the contact. Dean put his arm on his angel's back and pulled him in as close as he could, like he was afraid if he didn't Cas would disappear. Cas smiled at the gesture before hesitantly speaking "goodnight Dean, i love you" he said almost too quiet to hear.

He could feel Dean's body stiffen under his touch "yeah goodnight Cas" he replied simply, sounding almost small and insecure. Cas' heart dropped but he didn't say anything as Dean shut off the lamp next to them, he was happy in the warm embrace of the man he loved and knew that they could figure the rest out later as long as they were together.

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