chapter 6

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Author's note: this chapter is a little different because it switches between Sam's POV and 3rd person, you can probably figure out who it is from context. Like things Sam wouldn't know or couldn't hear. Also if ur here after i made the changes i just changed the song because it fit better.

Last few months Dean's been acting extremely weird, he's drinking less, having secret phone calls during hunts, his door is almost always locked and he seems alot happier. For most people this would seem like a good thing but i know my brother better than that.

For years now Dean's only way of coping was, well not coping at all. He always hides it when there's something going on with him by acting happier than he normally is to throw us off or something, but honestly it just makes him seem more suspicious.

(Insert convo with Frank after Bobby's death)
Frank: Decide to be fine till the end of the week. Make yourself smile because you're alive and that's your job. And do it again the next week.
Dean: So fake it?
Frank: I call it being professional. Do it right, with a smile, or don't do it.

For the first few months i let him be, left him alone and i kept telling myself that he would eventually say something when he was ready but I've grown extremely impatient in the last two months.
(A/N: 9 months into relationship at this point)

Like i said he's done this a lot before where he will put a smile on his face and push away his emotions but something seems different this time. I can't figure out what it is but i have a really bad feeling about it. It's not like how he usually acts at all, i can't put my finger on it though.

I found the perfect opportunity to finally ask him about what was going on. I went to talk to him in the library and found him laughing at something on his laptop. I sat down and gave him the grilled cheese i made him, i looked over and saw that he was watching old Charlie Chaplin movies.

We laughed and watched for a bit and then i remembered why i came to talk to him "so i found us a possible case couple hours from here, i thought we could go check it out" Dean nodded and turned off his laptop.

"Okay, we can leave in like 20 minutes. I'll go pack a few things and meet you in the garage" we both got up to pack some clothes and i smirked to myself, knowing that he couldn't escape this conversation if we were cramped in the car for hours.

Dean walked to his room and packed, he knew he only needed 5 minutes plus he already showered this morning but he still told Sam he needed 20. When he was done he took his bag and walked to Castiel's room, he was in there watching Netflix basically all day.

The second he was met with a big smile but when Cas looked down and saw the bag that smile dropped "noooo" Dean smiled at his angel's adorableness, he walked over to sit next to him "it's only for a few days, Sammy found us a hunt not too far from here" "when do you have to leave?" Dean put his hand on Cas' cheek "in like 10 minutes"

He instinctively leaned into the touch but still looked sad until suddenly an idea popped into his head, he kissed Dean roughly and when he pulled away for air he smirked "fine but if you're going to leave, then I might as well make sure you're thinking about me the entire time" Dean was gonna ask what he meant but was quickly stopped

Cas gave him a passionate kiss and climbed onto his lap, straddling him they spent the next few minutes like that until they heard Sam yelling "Dean come on let's go" they broke apart and Cas sat back down where he was before and played the show he was watching like nothing happened, Dean on the other hand had a slight problem.

He kissed Cas one last time after sitting shocked for 2 minutes "bye baby" "call me later" he nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. He went to the garage where Sam was waiting, suddenly extremely happy that he chose to wear a long shirt that morning and also really hoping that this wouldn't be a long case.

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