Chapter 62

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"Shit. Mom, I am so sorry, I didn't think he was going to use it for that. He said he wanted to use it for some class trip you weren't going to let him go on."

Cassie rolled her eyes as she asked, "When have I ever told you kids you couldn't go on a field trip?" Ethan was silent for a moment. "Fuck. Still, I didn't know!" Sighing, she said, "He's nine, Ethan! He got expelled because of it! You know what? Never mind. I can't ground you for this, but I can tell you that you are talking to him the next time you're here. You're supposed to be a big brother, so be a big brother."

Once again, Ethan went quiet. "Sorry," he said softly. "I'll talk to him, I promise. Listen, I have to go. Practice starts in an hour so I have to start heading over." Cassie nodded, then took a deep breath to calm herself. "How's it been?" She asked.

"It's been good. I spoke to the GM the other day and he says I'll be promoted any day now. Then again, he's been saying that for the past two years. Sometimes I drive by the university and wonder if I should have gone there instead." Cassie smirked because she knew he would overthink his decision. He's definitely her son.

"You made the right decision," she told him, "and the reason he's been saying that is because he means it. It's business, babe, you know this. But once you're in it, you're in it. You'll be a Yankee for life, believe me. I know this because I also speak to the GM and he is always raving about you. Just give it time. How's everything else?"

She could hear him shuffling around before saying, "Fine. People still don't know I'm gay if that's what you're asking." She rolled her eyes at that. He always thinks she judges him for keeping it a secret and the truth is, she doesn't. She constantly reminds him of this, but knows he's just trying to protect himself from getting hurt.

"I'm asking if you are okay," she said. "I know I sound like a worried mom, but I just want to check up on you and how you're doing." He huffed out a laugh. "I'm fine, mom. Some days are better than others, but I promise I'm fine."

She could tell he was telling the truth. It's obvious when he doesn't. "Good," she told him, "I'm glad. Have you spoken to your father?" She asked that gently because it was a very sensitive subject.

"Why would I? Have you spoken to him?" She nodded as she said, "Yeah. Just a few days ago. He misses you, but I told him if you don't want to talk, then to leave you alone until you do." He thanked her, but it wasn't sincere. She knows he doesn't appreciate her still speaking to him after what he did.

"You do realize I can't just cut him off," she told him. "He was my husband, he is the father of my amazing child. I can resent him." Ethan scoffed, "Even after what he did to you, to this family? I remember everything very clearly. The day you found out he cheated, the day you threw him out. He hurt you, he hurt me."

She has been dreading this day. When he found out about the cheating, she knew he'd grow up to resent Joel for it, or at least come to the realization of the major damage he caused. Unfortunately, Joel's little stunt at Ethan's last game before he got scouted was the icing on the cake.

"We'll talk about this later," she told him. "Get to practice and remember to choke up on the bat. The last video you sent me, I could immediately see that was the problem. And remember to feed Maverick! He looks so skinny in your pictures." That got him to laugh. "Yes, mom. I love you."

"I love you, too, baby." She hung up with a smile, then turned around to see Ben standing behind her with his arms crossed. "Well?" He asked. She sighed as she told him, "He's sorry about teaching Brook how to forge our signatures, didn't know that's what he was going to use it for and he's going to talk to him."

Ben rolled his eyes as he said, "Great." Cassie gave him a double take. "Excuse you?" She asked. "What is up with you lately? He made a mistake, they both did. They'll both learn. I know this is new for both of us, but this isn't his fault."

He went to say something, but opted not to. Unfortunately for him, Cassie caught it. "Don't you dare tell me you were about to say what I think you were going to say." He raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you think I was going to say?"

Oh, he's looking for a fight and she knows it.

"No," she told him, "I'm not doing this. I'm not giving you the satisfaction of a having a fight." He scoffed, "Satisfaction? You think I enjoy fighting with you and about our children?" She crossed her arms as she said, "I thought Ethan was my son?"

He pointed at her as he said, "Don't. Don't pull that card." She threw her arms up as she shouted, "You pulled that card last night! No, you know what? I'm not doing this. Ethan is going to talk to Brooklyn and that's that. You can either accept that and hope for best, or you can sleep on the couch this week."

Ben did apologize that night after some time to himself. He told her how immature he was being and that he would check himself before saying anything in the future. He did not check himself when saying that he still blamed Ethan, which landed him on the couch for the next several nights.

With Brooklyn being home all of the time, he noticed this change in his parents, but also knew it was because of him. He might be nine, but he isn't stupid. Everything around the house has changed since he got expelled. He knew the fights were because of him, he knew they were sending him to boarding school.

He knew all this because Ethan told him. His big brother expressed his worry and urged him to change. This didn't make Brooklyn want to change. As a matter of made him want to leave. 

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