Chapter 63

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"It feels good to back," Ben sighed as he settled into bed. "That couch is monstrous. If you're going to keep kicking me out, we're going to need a new one." He smiled at his little jab as Cassie came out of the ensuite with a small smile.

To his surprise, she straddled him over the duvet. "There's a lot of things I miss about sharing a bed with you." Ben raised his eyebrows and sat up while wrapping his arms around her. "Have I told you how sorry I am yet?" He asked. "With everything going on between work and Brooklyn, I just...fuck. I fucked up. I promise, baby, from now on I am going to think before I speak. I should have never said those things about Ethan because he is my son. He always has been."

Cassie leaned down and kissed him with a smile on her face. "We both need to work on some things," she told him, "but we will work them out and we'll work them out together. Okay?" He ran his hands up and down her back, then held her close to his chest.

"Okay," he breathed out before putting soft kisses on her chin, then down her neck. They started to get more and more heavy, making her moan. He put his hands up her nighty to find out she didn't have a bra or panties on. He growled against her neck and lightly nipped down.

"Christ, I want to eat you out," he told her. She shook her head as she told him, "Later. Right now I need you." She pushed down the duvet and helped him shimmy down his boxers. She didn't waste anytime sinking down on him.

Ben bit down on her shoulder to suppress his moans. "Oh, baby, I missed you. I missed your tight, wet pussy." He thrusted up, making her gasp. Just as he did it again, the bedroom door swung open!

Ben quickly gathered the duvet and pulled it up until Cassie's butt and his legs were covered. "Brook, for God's sake," Ben muttered with his brain still a little fuzzy from making love to his hot, sexy wife. "We talked about knocking!"

Brooklyn ignored his dad's anger, his mom's embarrassed face and their slightly sweaty foreheads as he said; "I'm leaving! I'm never coming back!" Ben looked down at the small duffel bag in his son's hand.

"Brook," he sighed, "you're not...okay, give your mum and I minute and we'll all have a talk." Brooklyn aggressively shook his head. "No! I'm leaving!" With that, he stormed away, giving Ben and Cassie a window to get properly dressed.

When they came downstairs, they didn't see Brooklyn. Cassie took a peak out of the window and saw him standing on the sidewalk with his thumb up. "Is he trying to hitchhike?" Ben asked with a small snort.

Cassie whacked his chest, then said, "Go get him." He walked out the door and went down the steps to the curb. "Brook," he said, standing behind his son. Brooklyn ignored him. "Brook, come back inside. You're not running away."

Brooklyn stomped his foot as he shouted, "Yes I am!" Ben sat down at the bottom of the brick steps and said, "Okay." He leaned back on an elbow and checked his watch. As he did, their neighbor walked by and greeted him. Ben kindly greeted him back and made a note on the weather.

"Why doesn't anyone care?!" Brooklyn shouted after the neighbor left. "The neighbor's don't care! The taxi drivers don't care! You don't care!" Ben sat up and leaned forward on his knees. "What do you mean I don't care?" He softly asked. "Brooklyn, what makes you think I don't care?"

Brooklyn slammed down his duffel bag and sat down on it with his arms crossed. "You're sending me away! You don't care about me anymore!" Ben sighed and looked to the ground. "Brook, listen..." He let out a heavier sigh, trying to think of a way to explain this. "...your mum and I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine. We love all of you that way. It's because we love you so much that made us make the decision to send you to a boarding school. Now, we were planning to sit you down and talk about it, but if this is how you want to do it, then so be it."

Brooklyn had tears welling up in his eyes. This was a rare sight because he always bottles up his feelings. "But why?" He asked. "Why do you have to send me away? I love you guys!" Ben chuckled as he said, "And we love you! We know you love us, there's never been a doubt in our minds about that. However, your mum and I have given you more than enough chances to improve yourself. The school had given you more chances than is considered fair! You got expelled, buddy, and that does not bode over well when it comes to your future."

Brooklyn argued, "But that's so far away!" Ben, getting frustrated now - but keeping his emotions in check- told him, "Not true. Your future isn't twenty years from now. Your future is tomorrow. It's next week, next month, next year! There isn't a single school here that is going to enroll you because of your history with getting in trouble. See? It's already effecting your future. Boarding schools, however, will take you if we pay them enough. Yes, you will be going away, but it isn't forever. You'll be back for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Summer. Until then, though, you are going to be there and you are going to do exactly as you are told. They don't expel as easy as public schools, so your shenanigans won't work."

He could see Brooklyn get actively disappointed. "As long as we pay, you stay," Ben continued, "and you are going and you are staying. We can't enroll you until Spring, but we already have. You'll be going Upstate."

Brooklyn was full on crying now and couldn't get a word out. Ben sighed and looked up to the window to see Cassie watching them. She gestured if she should come out, but he waved her off. He turned back to Brooklyn, then said, "Come here. Come on, get over here."

Reluctantly, Brooklyn went over and stood next to his dad. Ben lifted him up and sat him in his lap. "Hey," he said, wiping the tears away from Brooklyn's face, "don't ever think this is us giving up on you. As a matter of fact, this is the exact opposite! If we did give up on you, we'd let you run around causing havoc in the city, getting arrested, shooting up drugs. This is us not giving up because we know you can be better. We know it, bud."

Brooklyn leaned his head on his father's shoulder and nodded. Ben rubbed his back and breathed a kiss to his head. "Let's get inside, yeah? It's getting chilly out here." Brooklyn nodded and went to grab his bag. Ben took it from him and led him back inside.

Cassie was at the door to greet them. She looked to Ben with her eyebrows raised. He gave her a thumbs up. "Change you mind?" She teasingly asked Brooklyn. As his answer, he gave her a hug. She squeezed him tight.

"Can I go to bed?" He asked as he looked up at her. She run her fingers through his hair as she told him, "Of course. I'll come up in a minute to tuck you in." He nodded, then gave Ben a hug on his way to the stairs.

Once he was upstairs, Cassie took his bag from Ben. "Thank you," she told him. "You are the greatest, most perfect father our kids could have." Ben gave her a small smile. "I appreciate that," he told her, "but it's you that makes me that way. If not for you...well, I don't know where I'd be right now. I truly mean that. Definitely not saying that to get you back in the mood."

They both started laughing as she smacked his arm. She leaned up and gave him a kiss before making her way upstairs. When she walked into Brooklyn's room, she saw him reading to Madison and Robby. All of them should have been in bed, but this little moment made her not care.

She quietly called for Ben, who came up and smiled widely at the sight. He put his arm around her waist, then whispered, "It's Friday. Let's leave them, yeah?" She looked to him with a smile and nodded. He set the packed duffel bag by the door, then pulled his wife into the bedroom where they continued where they left off.

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