Chapter 29

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Cassie quietly opened the door to Ethan's room and peaked her head in. Still asleep. Perfect, she thought. She crept slowly into the room with the best birthday present a boy could ask for in her hands. Once she got to his bed, she hovered over him for a moment before softly saying, "Ethan...Ethan, it's time to wake up."

He merely whined, then turned his body away from her. She smiled as she said a little louder, "Come on, it's someone's birthday today. I may have the greatest present ever for you." He didn't budge. So, she took the best present ever and set it next to him on his bed.

She watched as the present wagged its tail and waddled up to him. As soon as it started licking his face, Ethan jolted awake. "Wha...what the...oh, wow!" As soon as Ethan registered what was licking him awake, he bolted up from his bed, picking up the Golden Retriever puppy with him!

Cassie laughed and sat down on the bed. Ethan held the puppy softly in his arms and hugged it. She's never seen him smile so widely! "Thanks, mom!" He leaped into Cassie's arms and gave her a strong one armed hug, while he held the puppy in the other. "What's his name!"

"That is completely up to you," she told him. "He's only about six weeks old, so you've gotta be a little careful, okay?" He nodded, his smile never faltering as he pet the excited pup. "Mom," he said, "where's that place you surfed again? It was in the picture you showed me."

Cassie thought for a moment. She went surfing in her younger years and went to quite a few places with quite a few pictures taken. "Um...Playa Grande?" She asked. He shook his head, so she thought again. "Bundoran?" He shook his head. There were so many places to choose from!

"Bondi Beach," she guessed, but that still wasn't it. "Ulu Waltu?" Still wasn't it. "Jeffery's Bay!" She was sure that was the one, but it wasn't. "Tavarua Island?" Ethan sighed in annoyance. "It starts with an M," he told her.

Well, if only he had told her that earlier. "Mavericks," she said, hoping to god that was the one. He excitedly told her, "That one! I want to name him Maverick!" If she was being completely honest, that was not what she was expecting when it came to him naming the dog. She thought it would be something from a video game or a sport's player.

"That is a great name," she told him. "Now, why don't you get ready for your party and I'll get Maverick fed?" He was reluctant to hand the pup over, she could tell. "You'll get him back after you hop out of the shower," she assured.

He looked down at the dog, then back to her. "Mom...can I ask you something?" She nodded as she told him, "Anything." He sat down next to her on the bed and asked, "Are you and Ben dating?"

This caught her off guard. Way off guard.

"Woah, uh...I'm sorry...what? Where did you get that idea?" He shrugged as he told her, "I've been noticing things." She eyed her son curiously. "Things like what?" She asked. He didn't skip a beat before saying, "You like to hold hands. You and dad used to do that, but now it's with Ben. You laugh a lot when he's here and you smile more. You're happy."

Cassie swallowed a lump in her throat upon hearing this. She was going to say something, but Ethan quickly told her, "I'm always honest with you. Please be honest with me." She playfully scoffed and asked, "How old are you again?" He smiled at that.

Taking a deep breath, she told him, "Yes. Ben and I...well, we were dating. We decided to take a break once more stuff about your father came out. We weren't dating when your dad and I were still together, I want to make that very clear. I would never do that, not to you and not to him. Are...are you okay hearing this?"

He focused his attention on scratching the puppy's head. Maverick was slowly falling asleep in his human's arms.

"I don't think you should stop dating him," Ethan told her. "I like him. Besides, Cillian would be like a brother!" Cassie laughed and brought her son to her side. "We wanted to make sure you boys were okay with it first. We care about you above all."

He looked up at her as he said, "Cillian and I have wanted you to be together for such a long time! We thought we would have to set you guys up if you didn't!" Cassie laughed so hard at that, she fell backwards onto the bed.

Ethan stood up on the bed and set Maverick on top of her chest. The pup started furiously licking her face, making her laugh even harder. Ethan was happily bouncing on the bed and laughing along with her.

Cassie took Maverick and lifted him high up, before bringing him back down and kissing his cheek. "Okay," she giggled, " get ready! People are going to be here any minute!" Ethan stared to playfully flutter his eyes as he asked, "Even Ben?"

She lightly thumped his forehead, making him laugh. She left the room to let him get ready and took herself and the dog downstairs.

"Well, he likes his present," she announced as she walked into the kitchen. Ben flipped down the newspaper he was reading and said, "I knew he would! I'm just glad I didn't have Cill this week when the dog was around. He might have spilled the beans or grown too attached to it. Hell, I've grown attached."

He took the puppy from her and welcomed the wet kisses to his face.

"So, you'll never believe what my thirty year old son in a twelve year old's body just told me," she said. He took his attention off the dog and went to her. "What's that?" He asked. She walked over to him as she said, "Apparently, if we aren't going to start dating soon...our sons are going to devise a plan to get us together."

Ben smiled widely at that. "Is that right? Did they find out?" He opened up his legs to welcome her leading advances. "Ethan's a smart kid," she told him. "He saw the signs and figured it out. He didn't know for sure, but he asked. I told him the truth and he said we shouldn't be on a break."

Absentmindedly, Ben gently set Maverick on the ground and used his free arms to wrap around her. "I'll take this as, we're getting back together?" He softly asked. She put her hands over his cheeks as she said, "Only if you'll have me."

With that, he pulled her in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up on her tippy toes to make the kiss deeper. Ben moaned, then moved his hands down her back and into her back pockets. He squeezed her butt, making her squeal and giggle into the kiss.

"I knew it!" A tiny voice behind them shouted. They both jumped and turned to see Ethan. He picked up Maverick and had a smile on his face. "Are you together now? Is it because I said I was okay with it?" He looked so excited to see this in front of him.

Ben lifted up Cassie until she was sitting on his lap. "Yes and yes," he said with a smile. "Now, stop spying and get your bum in the shower. You have guests coming soon." Ethan giggled as he called, "Yes, Ben!" He ran up the stairs and shut the bathroom door.

"Well," Cassie said, "that was easier than I thought."

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