Chapter 23

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"Again, Mrs. Neal, I am so sorry for pulling Ethan out of school the week before Winter break," Cassie said to the nicest teacher she has ever known. Mrs. Neal was nice, but strict. If your kid misses school, he or she better make up the homework when she says it's due, or else she'll give you a hard fail.

Cassie's taken Ethan out of school plenty of times, but never for more than a day.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs.—, er...sorry, um..." She got a bit flustered, but Cassie gently put up her hand and told her, "It's alright. I'll be going back to my maiden name, Moretti. Ethan will keep his father's name, obviously. But again, I'm so sorry. We both needed some time away after that."

Mrs. Neal, the sweet old lady, put a comforting hand on her arm and said, "My dear, it's alright. My first divorce was as messy as divorces can get and I tried to shield my boys from it as best I could. I passed Ethan for the semester and gave him a passing grade on the assignments he missed. This isn't his fault and I think everyone around him, including me, should let him know that."

Cassie teared up a bit, but quickly composed herself. "Thank you. If Ethan is struggling or has problems focusing, please let me know. I would like to keep an eye on him as much as possible." Mrs. Neal gave her a kind smile as she said, "Of course."

After the meeting, Cassie snuck out as to not embarrass Ethan by his friends seeing her. When she walked out front, she could see a terribly handsome man leaning against his car, the sun on his sunglasses glimmering with the sunshine. He smile was brighter, though.

"There you are," Ben said, his booming voice comforting her ears. "Thought you'd given Ethan the day off again, but then I saw your car. Everything alright?" She went under his comforting arm. "Yeah," she told him, "just being an overprotective mom. Wanna come back to mine?"

He gave her a sharp intake of breath, then said, "I can't, love. That job interview I had when we got back...well, I got the job!" Cassie gasped, "Ben! That's amazing!" He chuckled, "Thank you! I was thinking, however, that I could come over afterwards and cook you and Ethan dinner. El has Cillian this week starting after school."

"That sounds amazing," she smiled, "but aren't we supposed to be keeping us on the down low?" He thought for a moment, then said, "I promise, no kissing. No kissing, no butt touching, no cuddling, nuzzling, nothing that would indicate we are in any way together. Promise."

Sighing, she crossed her arms and tried to look serious. Of course, she couldn't. Her smile immediately gave her away. "Fine," she told him. "Let me know when you're on your way?" He nodded, then glanced around for a moment. When he saw the coast was clear, he gave her a peck on the lips.

"Love you," he said as he started walking to the driver's side. "And get your writing on! I want to see you on the best sellers list twice this year!" He gave her a smile and a wink, before getting into his car and driving off.

Oh, how she loves that man.

Unfortunately, the man that she no longer loves, has yet to come get his things. It's been five days since she found him still living here and kicked him out. That night, her and Ethan went through his things and packed them all in boxes. Ethan was more than enthusiastic to help.

However, Joel has yet to come collect the boxes, even though Cassie was kind enough to send him a picture of the neatly packed boxes in the bedroom. She warned him this morning that if he didn't come to get them by tonight, she was going to donate them.

That warranted a text back.

Do not donate them!! I've been busy with hiring a new receptionist—a MAN this time. I'll be by tonight.

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