Chapter 9

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"Hi, guys! Happy Thanksgiving!" Cassie stepped aside to let the Cumberbatch clan inside the house. Ben and Cillian were dressed nicely in button ups and ties, while Eleanore had on a beautiful designer dress. She looked like she was going to a premiere or a fashion show!

Cillian sweetly handed Cassie a pie as he said, "Dad and I made it ourselves." She took it as she told him, "Oh, thank you so much, sweetie. I can't wait to dig into it! You're going to help me get the biggest piece, right?" He laughed as he nodded and Ben couldn't help contain his smile at this exchange.

"Thank you so much for having us over," he told her. "We don't know enough people here to host and, well, it would have seem to be a bit of a waste to cook all this food for three people." Cassie waved him off as she said, "Of course! I hope you can join us for Christmas Eve, too, because we throw one heck of a party!"

Cillian gasped as he looked up at his father. "Can we, dad?" He asked. Ben chuckled, then looked over to his wife. She, of course, was on her phone. "Darling, maybe be off your phone today," he boldly told her. She gave him a double take and looked at him like he was crazy. "Excuse you," she scoffed.

Cassie cleared her throat, then put her arm around Cillian. "Why don't I go take you to Ethan and his cousins," she told him. "He's so excited to introduce you." Ben gave her a grateful look before turning back to Eleanore.

"You heard me," he told her. "I'm sick of this, El! You're always on that damned thing and you claim it's work, but it's Thanksgiving and the office is closed! Christ, even when we're at a friend's house, you can't even bother to—."

She quickly interrupted him by saying, "They are not my friends! They're your friends and now I'm being dragged to things like this just to please you! I could be with any of my friends, but here I am, so I will be on this fucking thing as much as I'd like!"

Ben stood there in shock. He thought he might get through to her by being a bit more harsh, but clearly not. "Pretend, then," he told her. "Pretend like you do in this marriage." With that, he quickly walked away and into the lively Thanksgiving party.

He sported a quick smile when he saw Cassie walk over to him with a drink in hand. "Gin and tonic," she said, handing him a glass. "Figured you could use it." His smile faltered a bit. "Yeah," he sighed. "Thank you for taking Cill away from that. I don't know how many more he can see."

She gave him a sympathetic smile, then turned to where Ethan and Cillian were talking and laughing with his cousins. "I know what you mean," she told him. "I thought things were getting better but..." She quickly shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be telling you this," she apologized. "It's Thanksgiving. We're supposed to be giving thanks for what we have. Right?" Ben let out a light laugh as he told her, "Right. Come on, show me what I can help with."

They both brought out the food and set it up on the long dining room table. Joel came to help, but was dragged away by his three brothers to watch football. He didn't protest to that. Ethan and Cillian offered their help, so Ben and Cassie had them set the table.

"Make sure the knife faces inward," Cassie told her son, as she took his hand and flipped the knife over. "When it's out, it means hostility." Ethan seemed rather impressed with that fact and fixed all of the knives...except for one. Cassie watched as he was about to flip one over, but didn't.

She didn't have to see who's name was on the place card because it was at one end of the table. It was Joel's. She wanted so badly to ask her son why he did that, but it's the holidays and she didn't want to stir anything up. So, she fixed the knife herself and went about bringing the rest of the food out.

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