Chapter 4

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Walking into the school gym, Cassie grunted as she struggled to carry Ethan's basketball bag, the after game snacks, her purse, as well as Ethan's backpack and school books. "Hey, hey, let me help," a voice said. She turned around was surprised to see her husband. "Joel," she said, "I thought you were—." He grabbed the snacks and Ethan's backpack, then told her, "I told Jim I wasn't feeling too hot and got off early."

She found that very odd. He's never left work early for anything, even if he really was sick. He set the bag and snacks down on the bleachers, then took the rest of the things from her arms. "Look," he said, "I've been...I've been a prick. That other night, I shouldn't have told you to get me a beer, or...any of that. I'm sorry."

She stared at him for a long moment before asking, "Are you drunk?" He rolled his eyes, then told her, "No, I'm not drunk. Look, call it an epiphany or whatever you want, but I had a sudden realization about the way I was acting towards you. It never used to be that way." That got her to crack a smile because it made her think back to the good times.

It really never used to be like this. Joel was so charming and sweet and the best husband and father anyone could ask for. It was when he got his promotion and he suddenly turned into someone in the eyes of his company. He wanted to impress the people he would make fun of. He wanted to make something of himself for Cassie, but he was already everything to her. He just wouldn't listen.

"Look," she said, "I don't know what's gotten into you or why you've suddenly had this epiphany, but...I'll except it. I would be stupid not to." He smiled and brought her in for a kiss, a kiss that they haven't had in years.

"Ew!" A voice beside them said, "Mom, dad, that's gross!" They laughed, then pulled apart. Joel looked down to Ethan, then asked, "Ready for the first game, son?" Ethan nodded, but then asked, "What are you doing here? I thought you were working late again." Joel crouched down to his son's height, then said, "I got off early just to be here. You do want me here, don't you?"

Ethan nodded, but then Joel asked, "You sure? Because I can just leave right now." He suddenly got up, then started to leave the gym. Ethan laughed, then ran over to him. "Dad, stop!" Joel then quickly spun around and picked Ethan up. He carried him sideways, like a package under his arm. "Delivery for Lake Oswego Elementary!" He loudly announced, making Ethan laugh.

He eventually set him down, then said, "Alright, get out there." Ethan had the biggest smile as he ran out on to the court. Joel took Cassie's hand and led them to sit on the bleachers. As they watched the other kids warm up, she just happened to look over to the gym doors and see Ben walking in with Cillian.

Behind him, was a fairly good looking woman who seemed to be engrossed in her phone. Cassie assumed that was his wife. Ben said something to Cillian, then gave him a kiss on the cheek before making his way to the bleachers. Cassie waved at him and caught his attention.

"Hey!" He excitedly greeted. Cassie stood and gave him a friendly hug before pulling back and saying, "Ben, this is my husband, Joel." Joel stood up with his wife and shook Ben's hand. "So you're the infamous Ben," he said. "Our boys seem to be getting along alright." They looked out to the court to see Ethan and Cillian laughing up a storm.

Ben chuckled, "Yeah, they seem to be. Uh, this is my wife, Eleanor. Honey, this is Cassie and Joel Hansen." Eleanor glanced up from her phone and flashed them a bright smile. "Nice to meet you," she told them before putting her face back into her phone. Joel and Cassie, who had their hands out and ready to shake hers, awkwardly retreated them.

"Uh, well, join us," Joel told them. Ben kindly accepted and sat down next to Cassie. He kept glancing over to his wife, who was still buried in her phone. He couldn't see what she was so engrossed with because her screen protector made the phone seem dark if you looked at it from the sides. He desperately wanted to take it from her, but he wasn't that type of man.

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