Chapter 11

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As Cassie dished up some Brussel Sprouts onto a plate, Joel took in what she had just told him. "Wow," he said, "poor guy. That kid's gonna be pretty messed up." Cassie put his plate down in front of him, then rolled her eyes. "His name is Cillian," she pointed out, "and anything he or Ben needs, we are going to help them out."

Joel dug into his food and gave her a hum as his answer. She then quickly told him, "And do not say anything to Ethan. I don't know when Ben is going to tell Cillian and we don't need our son finding out before his. We'll explain everything when we get the go ahead from Ben."

All she got was him shaking his head in disapproval and she did not understand why. Before she could ask, Ethan came bounding into the kitchen. "Hey, sweetie," she happily greeted. "Finish up your homework?"

He sat down as he said, "Almost. I'm having trouble with a few questions on the worksheet." She put her plate in front of him, then said, "Well, maybe your father can help you." Joel let out a laugh as he said, "Yeah, right! I can't figure that shit out. You're on your own kid. This was good babe, let me know when dessert is ready."

With that, he got up and went into his office. Cassie angrily picked up his plate and started washing it. Ethan sat at the table watching her. "Mom," he softly said, "you look tired." She turned to him with a small smile. "I'm fine, baby," she assured. "I just had a long day is all."

She finally sat down with her own plate, only to realize she had forgotten utensils. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, Ethan was opening the utensil drawer and grabbing a fork and knife. He came back over and put them next to her, making sure to put the knife inwards.

"Thank you, sweetie," she told him with a proud smile. He only returned the smile, then took his plate to the sink. When he finished washing it, he waited until his mom was finished, then took her's and washed it. "Ethan, you don't need to do that. Come on, go finish up your homework."

She took the washed plate and started to dry it. "Will you help me?" He asked. "Since dad won't, I mean." She put the plate away, then told him, "Of course, but I don't know how much help I'll be. I was only in one class for smart kids and that was my senior year in high school. Not surprisingly, I was the dumbest one." Ethan laughed at that while Cassie led him upstairs.

She completely underestimated how smart these classes were. She had no idea what he was learning and couldn't believe an eleven year old would be going through this! At some point he had fallen asleep and it was up to her to figure it out. She had to google it!

At one point, her phone started ringing and she thanked the heavens for it! "Hello?" She answered so quickly that she didn't even check the I.D.. "Hey, it's me," Ben's voice said. A small, but sad smile appeared on her lips.

"Hey," she softly said. "How are you?" She could hear him sigh before saying, "Honestly, I've been better. Eleanore and I just told Cillian the news. It went as well as I expected. Poor boy is a mess." Cassie let out a small sigh as she told him, "I am so sorry, Ben. Is there anything I can do?"

It was silent for a minute. She knew there was something he wanted to ask, but couldn't get out. "Ben," she assured, "whatever you need, just ask. I'm here." It was silent for another moment, until he said, "Well, I'm thinking of taking Cill to do something fun tomorrow. I don't know the area very well and I'm sure what I can take him to do. Do you have any recommendations?"

She had a feeling that wasn't the actual favor. Nevertheless, she told him, "There's a few things around here, but they can be quite the drive." Quickly, he told her, "Oh, that won't be a problem! I think a nice, long drive would do us both some good. Hell, maybe it'll get him to talk to me. Eleanore is speaking with him at the moment, but I know the two of us need a real heart to heart. Sorry, I'm rambling! What are these places?"

Boosting up her computer, she said, "Hang on, let me look them up just to be sure...ah, yes! Okay, there's a couple of zoos and aquariums you can take him to. The ones that are bit further out are the best ones. I guess whichever one he likes more, fish or land animals, take him there."

She was scrolling a bit more to find the address as he said, "That sounds brilliant, actually. He loves the sea, always has since he was just a baby. I think the aquarium would be perfect. Thank you, Cassie, I truly appreciate it."

A small smile appeared on her face. "Of course, Ben, it's the least I can do. Anything else?" She knew there was something else and she had a feeling that she knew what it was. "Erm...well, there is one other thing, but it's too big of me to ask. I know how I'd feel if someone asked this of me, which is why I don't want to. Since it is you, however, I have a feeling it'll just be a straight yes or no and not a lecture. Um...would you like to join us? You and Ethan?"

She knew it. Before she could answer him, he was quickly explaining, "I know it's a lot to ask to take your kid out of school for the day, which is why I feel bloody awful for asking! I just figured Cillian could do good with his best friend. God, now I feel like such a prat, I am so sorry! Forget I said anything, please."

It was hard to control the giggles that were coming out of her. "Ben, stop apologizing," she laughed. "Of course we'll join you! What, you think I haven't played hooky with Ethan before? I do it at least three times a school year and this one will be the first! What time should we meet? Want to get breakfast first?"

There was complete silence on the other line and, for a moment, she thought he might have lost connection. "Breakfast, uh...breakfast sounds nice. How does eight o'clock sound?" He sounded so shocked with her answer and it made her smile. "That sounds perfect, Ben. Text me where you want to meet. In the meantime, I have got to figure out what in the hell they are teaching my son because it is not anything close to what we learned in school."

That got a deep laugh from her friend. "So you're stuck doing your son's homework, too, eh? I'm doing Cillian's because I don't think he can focus on much right now. Hey...what in the hell is a unit of measurement again?"

Laughing, she told him, "I have no idea! I'm trying to figure out statistics, for crying out loud! How my son is in these advanced classes, I have no fucking clue." She turned around to make sure she didn't wake up Ethan and, happily, found him still snoozing away.

"Oh no, I can't even imagine that," Ben chuckled. "Well, I'll let you go to figure it out. Thank you for taking the time to talk and for allowing Ethan to come tomorrow. You're truly an amazing friend, Cass, and if you need anything—."

"No, no, no. No need to thank me and no need to repay me. I care about you, Ben, and I care about Cillian. The two of you have become so important in Ethan and I's lives. You're like family and I am very protective my family. So, with that, I bid you goodnight and good luck with the homework. We'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Goodnight, Ben."

She could hear the smile in his voice as he said, "Goodnight, Cassie."

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