Chapter 7

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"Come on, Ethan! That's it!" Cassie was standing from her seat as she watched her son run and pivot all over the basketball court. This was the reason she always chose to be in the very back of the bleachers because she's gotten complaints from other parents about never sitting.

Just as the clock counted down to zero, Ethan did a layup to the basket...and scored the winning shot! Cassie jumped and cheered for her son, who was being lifted up by his teammates. This was an important game because now they get to go into the playoffs!

Cassie rushed down the bleachers and anxiously waited for her son to be done celebrating. When he was, she saw him running over to her. "My boy!" She cheered as she opened her arms. He ran into them and gave her a very sweaty hug.

"Ugh, I am so proud of you!" Ethan could only laughed as she obnoxiously rocked him around. When they pulled away, he started to anxiously look around. "Is dad here?" He asked. Cassie's smile faltered a bit. "Sorry, sweetie, he had to stay late again," she told him. "He said he would try to make it, but..."

She saw the disappointment in his eyes as he said, "It's fine. His job is more important." It broke her heart that he would think that. Nothing should be more important than your child, nothing. She was sure as hell going to let Joel know that the moment he gets home.

"Come on, kid, let's go get some dinner," she told him. "Anywhere you want, it's up to you." Ethan thought long and hard, before saying, "Ava Gene's!" Cassie groaned, "You would choose the fanciest and most expensive restaurant."

He gave her a puppy eyed look, one he knew she couldn't resist. "Fine," she sighed, "but not in that." She pointed to his sweaty basketball uniform. "We'll go home, get you in the shower and in some nicer clothes." He quickly agreed and dragged her out of the gym.

"Hey, you," a voice called behind her. She turned and saw Ben and Cillian walking out. "Hey," she smiled. "I didn't see you in there, I would have sat next to you." Ben waved her off as he said, "I was only there to see the final shot. Which, that was awesome, buddy."

He gave Ethan a high five. "Where were you, if you don't mind me asking," Cassie asked. "It's just so weird to not see you in there every Friday." Ben scratched the back of his head as he told her, "Job interview. Figured I'd get back in the game, no pun intended. I doubt I'll get it, though. I've been out of work so long, I almost forgot what an interview was!"

They had a good laugh for a minute, then Cassie told him, "Well, we've got a mother-son date night, so we better get going. Call me tomorrow if you're not doing anything and maybe you can come over with Cill and Eleanore for dinner."

He smiled as he told her, "We would love that, thank you. I'll call you in the morning. See you later, Ethan." They both high fived one more time, then fist bumped Cillian.

When Cassie got him home, she ordered him into the shower, then got ready herself. She put on a fancy red dress and a bit of make-up. She did her hair as she usually did, which was a messy kind of style. There wasn't much she could do with such short hair.

By the time she was done, Ethan came in looking snazzy with a white button up, black tie and grey blazer. "Look at my handsome boy," she cooed. He moved his head away to avoid receiving a kiss on the cheek, as he giggled, "Mom, stop!"

She playfully rolled her eyes, then said, "Fine. Too old for kisses from your mom, I get it. I also think you're hangry, so let's get out of here."

They went to the fancy Italian restaurant and got seated almost right away. That was a bit shocking since it's Friday and looked a little busy. Ethan shooed away the kids menu and looked at the adult one, which made Cassie laugh, but also a bit sad. He was growing up too quickly for her.

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