Chapter 31

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"What brings you in today, Cassie?" Cassie sat up on the examination table as she told her doctor, "I just haven't been feeling too great the past few days. I've had a fever, a terrible stomach ache, my head is killing me, I wake up with the chills."

Her doctor marked that down in her notes. "Well," she said, "it sounds like you've got the flu. Actually, I've got no doubt that's what it is, but we're going to take a blood test anyways. You should probably bring in Ethan soon to make sure he hasn't caught it."

Great, she didn't need to give her son this thing. He's missed too much school as it is due to the trial and he certainly didn't need to miss anymore.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," she told him. "I guess I can bring him in—oh, God." She shivered when she got a wave of the chills and horrible body aches. "Woah, there," her doctor said. "Okay, I'm prescribing you some heavy flu medication. Did you drive yourself?"

Cassie shook her head as she told her, "My boyfriend is in the waiting room." Her doctor let out a little sigh of relief. "Good," she said, "and give this to him to pick up for you." She handed Cassie the paper prescription, then continued, "I'm ordering you on bed rest for at least three to four days. You need to move as little as possible. Have that boyfriend of your's take care of you and have him bring Ethan in as soon as possible."

After getting a blood test and relaying the information to Ben, they headed back to her place, where Ben was sure to immediately get her into bed to rest. Ethan wanted to help take care of her, so Ben let him make her soup, but wouldn't let him into the bedroom.

"I can't miss his game tomorrow Ben," Cassie hoarsely complained. "I haven't missed a single game he's played since he's gotten into sports." Ben pressed a kiss to her hot forehead and told her, "Hey, it's alright if you miss one game. He'll understand. Besides, I can always FaceTime you, so it'll be like you are there."

That sounded better than not being there at all, so she reluctantly agreed.

Ben spent the night—now that Ethan knows and is very much okay with him and Cassie being in a relationship—so he could get Ethan up and ready to go for the game. Ethan was sad, but understood, about Cassie not going to his game today.

She wished him good luck and blew him several kisses as she lay in bed. She desperately wanted to hug him and take him herself, but she was glad Ben was here to help.

When they got to the game, Ben immediately FaceTimed her. The picture was a bit grainy, however she wasn't going to complain because it was better than not being there at all.

As Ethan was starting to approach the plate, she started getting a phone call from her doctor. Sighing, she said, "Ben, I have to call you back. I'll be super quick, I don't want to miss his at-bat!" She hung up with him, then answered the call.

"Hello," she eagerly answered. She hoped this phone call would be less than thirty seconds long. "Hey, Cassie, it's Doctor Park! Look, I just wanted to let you know about your blood test results. You came back positive for the flu."

Cassie quickly nodded her head as she told her, "Well, it looks like you were right! Is that all because I have to get back to..." Doctor Park quickly said, "Yes, there is, actually. Um...I'm not sure if you had taken this into consideration or not,'re also pregnant."

Doctor Park kept talking about what she needed to do to care for herself and the baby while having the flu, but Cassie didn't hear any of it. She was stunned. Not only was getting pregnant increasingly difficult for her to do because of the medication she's on and has taken in the past...she has no idea who the father is.

While her and Ben were on a break, Joel wanted to talk about the custody agreement. She reluctantly went over to his place and had just a bit too much to drink. She was trying to calm her anger with wine, but it ended up just making her sloppy.

Joel, thinking this the perfect opportunity, took advantage of her drunken state and used it to get her into bed. At the time, she wanted it. After all, her and Ben had basically just split up and this was the man she was married to for several years.

After they were done, however, and she sobered up, she regretted it tremendously. She even slapped Joel for taking advantage of her drunken state while he was perfectly sober himself. That's when she decided Joel could only have Ethan on weekends.

She did hear Doctor Park say that they wouldn't know how far along she was until she came in for an ultrasound. She didn't want her coming in until she was completely better, so she put her down for two weeks.

Cassie hoarsely thanked her, then aimlessly hung up. As soon as she did, Ben tried to call through FaceTime. She jumped when she saw the picture of his cute smiling face. When she answered, he immediately started yelling, "Ethan hit a home run! Look at him!"

The camera was faced to where Ethan was rounding third and heading for home. Cassie was still in shock and was glad Ben couldn't see her at the moment because her camera was turned off. She used the time to quickly wipe away the tears she had shed and take a few calming breaths.

After Ethan had gotten to home plate, she turned on the camera and sported a wide smile. "Oh my goodness!" She happily, but shakily, said. "Wow and that's his tenth one this season! We have to do something for him tonight!"

Ben gave her a wink as he said, "I'm on it. How about a nice dinner, some dessert and a movie of his choosing? I can take him after this." God, she loved this man and prays that this baby is his! "Sounds great," she mustered up. "I give full permission for it to be rated R."

He nodded as he told her, "Noted. Oh! Cill's up to bat!" He turned the camera back to face the field. As Cillian hit the ball in for a single and Ben cheered like the incredibly proud parent he is, all Cassie could think about was what in the hell she's going to do about this pickle she's gotten herself into. 

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