Chapter 40

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Ben grunted as he got shot down in Ethan's video game. He was never good at these shooting games, but Ethan loved playing with him. Ben doesn't know why, but he guesses it's because it's a way that they can bond. Cassie also mentioned how Joel never took interest in playing video games with him and Ben loved it. Even though he sucked he enjoyed it.

"Alright, kiddo, I've got to get some work done," Ben said as he set down the controller. "When I'm done, we'll come back up and play all night. Deal?" Ethan smiled as he told him, "Deal! I have three controllers so mom can play, too!"

Ben chuckled, "Sounds like a plan. Just remember to stay up here, okay? Your mum is still on the phone with your dad and she doesn't want either of us to hear the conversation." Ethan sighed and went back to playing his games. "I'm never gonna be in travel ball," he grumbled.

Ben didn't have any response for that because he wasn't sure what decision Cassie and Joel were going to come to. He's been banned to the bedroom, so he couldn't find out if he wanted to. Instead of saying anything, he simply patted Ethan's shoulder and went on his way.

The scattered mess of papers he left on the bed was still there when he walked in. He didn't know why, but he hoped some higher power somewhere would clean it up. This was his first big case and he thought separating some papers would help, but it just made things worse.

So, he decided to take a forty-five minute break and play video games with Ethan. Now, unfortunately, he had to get back to real life.

Just as he settled himself on the bed, Cassie came in looking frustrated. "Hey," he carefully said, "how'd it go?" She went into the closet and grabbed a jacket. "We can't come to an agreement. We're going to meet for coffee, I'll be back in an hour."

He was about to ask if this was a good idea, but stopped himself. He's trying to keep boundaries in mind and not overstep them like he did last time. She could obviously see that he wanted to ask something and she knew exactly what.

"It's fine," she assured. "If I need backup, I'll give you a call. I'll be right around the corner." He gave her a nod with a smile. He trusted her, and she knows he trusts her, it's just Joel. If she was going over to his place, then he would force his way into going with her. She's smarter than that now and he hates that has to be the case.

She was on her way after exchanging a kiss and a goodbye to Ethan.

When she got to the café, Joel was already waiting for her at a table. She was surprised because he was never early to anything, unless it was his job. Nevertheless, she was happy to see him making the effort.

As soon as he saw her, he stood up and pulled out her chair. "Oh," she said, "thank you." He scooted the chair in as she sat, then went back to his own. "I ordered you a black coffee and the Classic Eggs Benedict."

Cassie had to take a moment to herself to laugh. There was an inside joke between her, Ben and the boys. When they went to get brunch one day, the boys noticed Eggs Benedict on the menu. They kept calling Ben "Eggs Benedict" all day and it was amusing at first, but then Ben started getting annoyed. When that happened, Cassie chimed in and it seemed to make more and less annoyed at the same time.

They then proceeded to play catch and chase, where Ben would chase and Cassie and the kids would try to escape. Somehow, it ended up in a water fight between them when they ran into the backyard. They sprayed each other with the hose and super soakers for hours.

The boys ended up falling asleep on the wet grass when Ben and Cassie went in to make them some snacks. It was still very early in the day, but they put the boys in Ethan's bed and went to sleep themselves. None of them woke up until the next day. It was the best day they've had.

"What's so funny?" Joel asked, taking her out of the lovely memory she was having. She cleared her throat, then told him, "Nothing. Um, anyways, look—." He suddenly put his hand over her's. "Cass, I'm sorry," he interrupted. "I'm so sorry about...about everything. I'm a jerk, I'm such a fucking jerk."

She took her hand away and put it in her lap. "We're here about Ethan," she calmly told him. "I know we can't come to an agreement, but I think he should be in travel ball. It's what the pros did when they were trying to become professionals and that is our son's goal. I will be there for every game, I don't care where it is and you can figure your situation on your own. This isn't about you not being able to see him play because of work, this is about our boy's future."

She waited for him to react, but he didn't. He had the same sorry facial expression. "Of course he can be in travel ball," he said. Cassie sat in complete and utter shock. Not an hour ago, they were arguing about it and now he's suddenly all in?

"What is this?" She asked, suspicion raising in her voice. Joel sat back with a sigh, then told her, "Honestly, I knew this would be the only way you would talk to me. I need to tell you how sorry I am, Cass, I have to!" She let out a scoff and pushed back her chair to get up.

Just as she did that, the waitress set down her breakfast and coffee. "Can I get you anything else?" The young girl asked sweetly. A buss boy brought over Joel's sandwich as Cassie sported her kindest smile and said, "No, thank you so much."

The waitress left and Cassie was still in a about to get up position. "Stay," Joel pleaded. "Eat. We don't have to talk, I just...I want us to feel like normal again." She couldn't help but to shake her head. "Normalcy with you was gone the day you got that stupid promotion. You want normal, Joel? Maybe you shouldn't have shut me out, or cheated on me! Maybe you shouldn't have drugged me."

She fully got up from her chair as he reached out for her. "I'm getting help," he quickly said. "I-I'm seeing a therapist, I'm going to AA and a sex addiction class. I'm doing it all to make up for the pain I've caused you and Ethan. I know you'll never come back to me. I see the way you and Cumberbatch are together, how he looks at you. You used to look at me that way." She knew that was undoubtedly true.

"I turned your world upside down," he continued. "I know it's going to be hard, especially after losing the baby, but I want to try and turn it right side up again." He put his hand out to her, but she just stared at it. She stared at it, thinking about how many times he promised change, but never actually changed. She was all too familiar with this act.

"I'll email you the parent consent forms to sign," she told him before turning her back and walking out. She went home with thoughts buzzing around in her head. He was putting her through so much and he needed to stop!

When she walked into the house, Ben was there to greet her with a kiss and a look full of worry. "How'd it go?" He asked. "You look upset." She shook her head and threw down her keys. "Ethan's playing travel ball," she bluntly told him. The fact that she didn't seem happy, or even victorious about it, worried him.

"Okay, so that's good," he told her. "You weren't gone long at all, it must have been a short discussion." She tossed herself onto the couch and sighed. "You can say that," she said. "He was on board with Ethan being in travel ball to begin with. He just used it to try and get me to talk to him."

Ben furrowed his eyebrows and sat on the armrest next to her head. "What did he say," he voice dark and close to being filled with anger. "He's getting therapy apparently," she said. "He's also in AA and some sex addiction class. I don't know, he's always said he would change, but I've never seen him act on it. He thinks he can turn my upside-down world, right-side up."

"And how do we feel about that?" He gently asked. Cassie reached up and pulled his face down to her's by the collar of his shirt. Their lips were almost touching as she whispered, "My world turned right-side up when you came into it."

With a wide smile, Ben filled the gap and gave her a deep kiss. 

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