Chapter 19

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"I wish you didn't have to go," Cassie told Ben as she lay in his bed and he packed. He looked over to her, covered in white sheets and knowing full well that she was completely naked underneath. He sat down next to her, then said, "I know, love. We'll see each other again in a couple weeks, though. You're coming home on the third, yes?"

She sat up, keeping the sheets over her breasts, as she told him, "Yes, but it's still going to feel like forever." He put his fingers through her hair and brought her in for a kiss. "How in the hell are we supposed to hided this from the kids?" He asked against her lips. Sighing, she told him, "I don't have the slightest idea."

They both laughed at that. "Well," he said, "I suppose I should call a cab. My flight leaves pretty soon." Cassie got up and started getting dressed into her pajamas. They had to make sure the coast was clear before leaving the room. They didn't need Ethan seeing them.

Of course, he was up this early and watching T.V., scaring the living hell out of both of them. "Jeez, buddy," Cassie chuckled, her heart rate elevating. Thankfully, he seemed to be occupied by the television and his cereal to notice them. "What are you doing up so early?"

He shrugged, then told her, "Couldn't sleep." When he looked over to Ben and saw his suitcases, he sadly asked, "You're leaving?" He and Ben have gotten close over the past few days and Cassie assumes it's because Ethan was looking for a stable father figure.

"I've got to get home to Cillian, bud," Ben explained. "I've had a blast hanging out with you, though." Ethan smiled and gave Ben a fist bump. "Hey, Ben?" He asked. "Why don't you stay for Christmas? Cillian, too?"

Ben looked to Cassie, both not knowing what to say. "Uh...I...I don't know," he said. Cassie simply shrugged, then said, "I did say you had him for an extra week, with Eleanore going to Paris for Christmas and New Year's. You are more than welcome to spend it with us. We can all go back to Oregon together. Only if you want to, I mean. No pressure."

She looked incredibly bashful and it made him smile. "I'll cancel my flight and get him here by tonight," he said. "Thank you." Before Cassie could say anything, Ethan jumped up and gasped, "You're staying?! And Cillian is coming?! Yes! I didn't think that would work!"

Both Ben and Cassie couldn't contain their laughs. "I'll go unpack, then," Ben chuckled. "I'll get you some fresh towels," Cassie told him, then followed. When they got to his room, he gently shut the door, then brought her in for a kiss.

"Your son is a genius," he mumbled against her lips. "Well, genius enough to bring up what I've been thinking for the past week. I was afraid I'd scare you off if I brought it up." She wrapped her arms around his neck and told him, "Well, it's going to take a lot for you to do that."

"Good," he said, "because I plan on keeping you for a long time." He pulled her in for a deep kiss, then continued, "I should cancel my flight and let Eleanore she'll be dropping Cill off to the airport." As he went over to his laptop, she asked, "She won't mind?"

He thought for a moment, then told her, "No, I don't think so. She's typically in a good mood before she goes on vacation. You know, I tried to get her to go to Paris a million times. Then this tosser comes along and she jumps at the chance. Makes me think nothing was real between us."

Cassie went up behind him and hugged him around the waist. "I would love to go to Paris," she said into his back. He hugged her arms against him, then brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. "And I would love to take you," he told her. "Right after we get through the holidays, of course."

He cancelled his flight, then booked Cillian's. His call with Eleanore was quick and civil. She didn't agree with sending Cillian on a flight alone at first, but then Ben reminded her he's done it before and was perfectly fine. So. she promised to get him to the airport on time.

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