Lost and Found- Part 23

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Pam's POV

Slowly, I opened my eyes, wincing at the searing sunlight beaming in through the foggy window. Normally, Reed would be laying next to me, usually sleeping still, or greeting me with a "Good morning.", but he wasn't today.

I blindly ran my hand over my nightstand, grabbing my phone, and checking the lock screen. All of my notifications were from Twitter.

All from Reedlings.




I was so blessed to be where I was.

The sound of a loud crash echoed through the house, making me jump.

I rolled out of bed and went to explore downstairs.

I found Reed, standing in the kitchen, covered in pancake batter, along with the countertops, oven, and refrigerator.

"Oh my God, Reed!"

His face turned red as he chuckled a bit.

"Bring it here baby!" He approached me with open arms.

"Oh no you don't!"

"Oh yes I do!" He rammed his chest into mine, soaking my 1D pajamas in an array of batter, blueberries, and chocolate chips.

"Reed!" I yelped.

"What?" He ran his fingers through my hair, putting a thin layer of batter on it too.

"Oh my God, Reed."

I disapprovingly looked at him, shifting my weight onto one leg and crossing my arms over my chest.

"You know you love it."

I lightened up. A smile crept onto my face.

"I know I love it."

He crashed his delicate lips into mine, still rubbing batter all over my tangled hair.

"Thanks, Reed. I definitely needed a pancake batter shower."

"No problem. Lets just walk to IHOP for breakfast, sound good?"

"If we clean up ourselves first!"

He flicked the batter-coated spoon at me one last time before darting up the stairs to take a shower.

"Love you too!" I yelled, batter seeping into my eyes and mouth.

We sat in our booth, enjoying our blueberry pancakes, when my phone began to buzz.

The screen read;

'Cheer Tryouts- 12:30 PM'

"Reed!" I completely forgot about cheer tryouts! "Cheer tryouts are today! We have to go! I have to go home and actually make myself presentable! I have to be at the gym in one hour! Lets go!"

Reed whipped a 20 dollar bill out of his pocket, placed it on the table, and took off.

"Want me to stay in the gym with you?"

"No, I'm fine." I insisted, while I shook out my hands. Nerves were getting the best of me. For the first time, I felt what Reed was feeling when he walked out on that X Factor stage for the first time.

"8th Grade girls!" The coach summoned us into the gym.

"You'll do great." He kissed my cheek one last time before I had to proceed into the sweaty gym room.

"Take a seat, we're going to start witha few stretches." All of the girls, inclucing me, flopped onto the springy floor at once. "My name is Margaret Harris, but please call me Coach or Coach Harris. Sit in a straddle, please."

I will admit, I was slightly intimidated by Coach Harris.

We spent the next ten minutes doing warm ups and conditioning drills.

"Water break, girls. Thel we'll start the tryouts."

We were each given an individual routine we had to perform. Every night, I went outside and ran over it at least 100 times. I think I knew it pretty well, but some of the girls looked pretty damn fierce, if you ask me.

"Number 17 please."

I took a deep breath and walked onto the floor, Coach Harris and two assistant coaches majestically sitting at a table, waiting to critque me.

"Name please."

"Pam Fleming." My voice was shake. I just hoped they couldn't tell that I was about to shit my pants.

"Thank you. Please start the music."

The familiar beat of my routine music played.

(Note- this next part will probably confuse the hell out of you if you're not a gymnast or cheerleader.)

My routine started in a scorpion pose. I dropped my leg onto the ground and fell into a split position- Keep in mind that this is an elite tumbling team. Next move was a standing back tuck-nailed it. I leaped over to the corner to begin the first real tumbling pass. Run, run, power hurdle, roundoff, double back handspring, back tuck. I ended with a High V, Low V, toe touch. The next few moves were just east arm motions, nothing to be too concerned about. The second-and last- pass was front walkover, front handspring, land, front aerial in between, and last but not lease, back handspring, back tuck, ending witha final toe touch and falling to the floor in a middle split position.

"Nice job. Number 18 please." I walked off the floor and got a drink of water, glancing up to the ceiling.

As my eyes made a circle around the track that enclosed the gym, I saw Reed sanding on it, looking down at me, smiling, giving me a thumbs up sign.

The girl who was currently doing her routine fell on a back handpring, swiftly got up, and scurried off the floor.

"Well, I guess that's it for today. Good job everyone, the team listing will be on the school website tomorrow."

All of us ran out of the gym, most of them greeeted by their parents. Not me. Reed was standing there, waiting for me, with open arms.

"You did amazing! if you don't kame that final 7 girls, those coaches are damn stupid."

"Thank you! I can't believe you snuck in to see me!"

"Well, it was surely worth it!"

We walked back home, finding Kayla frantically running around the house.

"You ok, Kayla?" I aasked. This wasn't like her at all.

"I got accepted to college!"

Lost and Found- A Reed Deming FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now