Lost and Found- Part 35

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Pam's POV

"Pam, I would like you to meet the newest member of the Deming family, Aurora Camerynn." Reed introduced the little girl who Mitch was cradling. She was no more than two months old.

"To make matters easier, I've nicknamed her Rory."

My jaw dropped. I couldn't fathom what was happening. Was his mom pregnant and I didn't know? Was this one of his cousins and we were watching her for some reason?

"But-who-why-" I couldn't say any real words.

"She's your new baby sister. We adopted her."

"What?" Even though I actually I knew what was going on now, I still couldn't believe it.

"Do you want to hold her? After all, she is your sister now."

I approached Mitch with caring, open arms, taking her tenderly in a soft cradle, admiring her smooth, pale face, her bright blue eyes that popped open every so often, the beginning of deep brown hair sprouting out of her scalp. She squirmed around in my arms a bit, but soon shut her eyes and was out like a light.

"So this is really my baby sister?" I asked, still confused.

"Yes." Mitch answered. "We knew it would be hard with Kayla gone. We figured you would need someone to keep you company. We'd actually been discussing the idea for quite a while now, a month or two I think."

"What do you think? Are you happy?" Reed interrogated.

"I'm absolutely thrilled." I delicately kissed Rory's cold forehead, being careful not to wake her. "Welcome to the family, Aurora Camerynn Deming."

I glanced at her for a while. She looked so peaceful, so calm.

"Does she have clothes or a crib or even a bedroom?" I asked, puzzled.

"Don't worry. Whenever you were out for whatever reason, we ran out to Target or Kohls or wherever and bought what we needed. We've been stockpiling it up in the basement closet. We're gonna use Kayla's room. We're leaving all her stuff in it, just moving it around to make room for Rory. She's ok with it. We talked it all over."

I brushed a few small, stray hairs away from her face, still in awe at her beauty. I never wanted to let her go. And to think that she was my baby sister.

"Reed and I'll go set up her room. Wanna stay down here with her?"

"Sure!" I eagerly replied. Somehow, Blake had managed to creep out of his video game den and downstairs to witness everything that had just occurred.

For a while, I sat silently with Rory, swaying her slightly back and forth, calming her as much as I could. The time with Rory really flew by. Before I knew it, Reed was prancing downstairs, announcing loud and proud that the room was done.

"Shh. Don't wake Rory up."

"Right." He began to dramatically tiptoe over to me. "Sorry."

"Wanna bring her up here? Let's have her test out the new crib."

I cautiously went upstairs, Reed at my side, guiding my every step.

The room wasn't anything amazing, just a mainly empty space with a crib, changing table, pink clothes scattered everywhere, and a bed, dresser, and nightstand pushed in the corner.

I carefully guided her into the crib, placing her down and covering her with a thin blanket.

"When's her birthday?"

"January 17. So today she is exactly 2 months old."

I glanced at the calendar on the wall, realizing that it was already March 17.

"Happy two month birthday, Rory."

We exited the room, switching off the light as we left.

"I'm shot. Wanna go to bed?"

"Yes." I eagerly agreed. "So much has happened in the past few hours, I'm ready for a good night sleep."

I laid in bed, staring out the window, the small rain drops cascading down and the few hitting the window racing downwards until they joined the rest on the ground.

Reed jumped into bed next to me, pulling the covers over both of us. One of my hands rested around his hips, the other on his bare abs, gently tracing the defined lines. I took in one deep breath through my nose, the scent of axe flaming up my nose and through my body. Just like that, I was out.

Lost and Found- A Reed Deming FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now