Lost and Found- Part 16

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Pam's POV

Yesterday's morning was much smoother than todays.

Mitch came running into our room, ripping the blankets off of our bodies and shaking the bed like a madman.

"Get up! Get up! I have news for you! Up up up up!"

I squinted at the light that flicked on and filled the whole room.

"10 more minutes dad, please?" Reed asked in that deep, gorgeous morning voice of his.

"No! This is big news! Now get up!"

We both groaned a bit.

"It'll be worth it, now up!"

Sluggishly, I got up and started to move around, Reed already up and at his dresser.

I heard a slight 'pssssst' sound then a strong scent hit me.

One small spray of Axe was enough to wake me up any day.

"Do you know what this is all about?"

"No, probably something stupid like we are getting a new dishwasher. He'll get excited over the littlest things."

"HURRY UP SLOW POKES!" He yelled at us from the kitchen.

"We're coming Dad!"

My hair was still in a messy bun from yesterday, and I didn't want to bother combing that rat's nest, so I just left it.

Kayla, Blake, and Mitch were at the table all waiting for us.

"What's the news?"


Reed whispered to me, "Told you."

"Sure, dad. Totally." He replied sarcastically laughing.

"Grab a plate and come sit down. Believe it or not, I do have some news."

When he said news this time, he sounded much more serious and somber, which honestly scared me.

"Your mom and I talked long into the night two nights ago, and we decided it was time to take a big step in our lives."

This didn't sound good.

"We figured that since we have two new people in our family, we can't function properly in a small apartment like this. We decided that it would be best for us if we moved."

All of us gasped at once.

"Don't worry, we'll still be in the same area, same school, you won't have to leave your friends or anything, just a new house. Yesterday, when I 'went to the store' we found a house that we really love and think would be great, so I'm gonna take all of you to see it today. Sound good?"

We all replied a robotic "Yes."

After all, we were still half asleep.

"Now hurry up and finish eating so we can go check it out!"

We shoved our faces with eggs until our stomachs almost exploded and went off to see the new house.

It was only about six minutes away from the current apartment. When I saw it, I was blown away.

On the second floor, right in the middle was a majestic balcony with two white pillars supporting it. A three car garage was off to the side of it, and a two sided driveway closed in the yard. The house itself was all white with long windows everywhere. This house looked like it was suitable for a millionaire, not a family like us.

"THIS...is the house? Isn't it like three million dollars?"

"No, it fits our budget quite nicely, actually. Now come on inside!"

The inside was ten times more beautiful than the outside. A two sided staircase lay thirty feet in front of the main door. The kitchen looked like a Food Network show could be filmed in it, the family room was the size of our old apartment.

We went upstairs to check out the four bedrooms, four bathrooms, game room, and study room. All of the rooms were absolutely huge and just beautiful.

The basement was by far the best though.

It was a home theatre on one side and a gym on the other.

I still had no idea how this was in budget.

"The house is...beautiful!" I told Mitch. I think all of us were still a bit at a loss of words from the house.

"Do you all like it?"

All of us replied with an enthusiastic 'YES'.

"Well great, but we have to look around a bit more. Lets go driving and see what we find."

Just as Mitch had said, we spent the rest of the day driving around and touring houses. The houses were truly amazing, all of them, but the first one was still my all time favorite.

We lost track of time looking at new homes. We spent a whole 8 hours, a typical school day, looking at houses.

Finally, we got back to the apartment.

"Now that you know your options, sleep on it, and we'll discuss tomorrow."

At this point, I wasn't worried about a new house. I was worried about my first day at a new school tomorrow.

Lost and Found- A Reed Deming FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now