Lost and Found- Part 44

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Pam's POV

I heard a sharp cry raidiating from Rory's room. I glanced over at the clock as it flashed '2:37'.

"Reed, wake up." He glumly groaned. "Reed, come on. Help me with Rory."

"I'll be there in a minute, just go check on her."

I slipped on my fuzzy blue slippers, tiredly dragging my feet down the hallway. Rory's shrieking cry turned into a high-pitched, wet cough.

I cringed at the horrible noise.

Flicking on Rory's bedroom light, I braced myself to find her either slightly coughing or seizing in a pool of blood.

I got about the middle of the two.

I peered into her crib, finding the space around her mouth stained with blood. She continued coughing, sputters of blood continuing to emerge from her mouth with every heave.

"Reed! Mitch! Get in here!"

Instantly, I heard footsteps jolting down the hallway.

As carefully as I could, I picked up Rory out of her crib.

"Reed, something is wrong with her."

"What's going on?" Mitch groggily stretched in the doorway, not noticing the critical emergency.

One glance at Rory was enough to make Mitch realize that something was wrong.

"Y'all get in the car, I'll get Blake real quick. We need to get her to the hospital."

Reed and I raced to the car, yet still trying to be as gentle with Rory as possible.

Blake finally got in the truck after refusing a few times.

"Hold her tight, be sure you're supporting her neck and head."

Mitch dialed the hospital while frantically driving, trying to explain Rory's medical state while dodging the few cars on the road at 2 am.

After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived in the emergency room. Two prepared nurses took Rory back for examination. Mitch sat down and scribbled nonchalantly on the paperwork he was given.

"Sir?" The receptionist asked. Mitch was to frantic to notice. "Sir?"

"Uh, what?"

"Calm down, sir. I realize you are scared for your daughter, but our physicians will figure out her problem and fix it right away. Don't worry. Just fill out the paperwork, please."

He took a deep breath and went back to jotting down info.

I glanced upwards to the ceiling, my eyes fixated on one flickering lightbulb.

'What if that lightbulb is like Rory?' I thought to myself. 'Going strong for a while, starts to flicker and get weak, and tonight is the night when it goes out?'

I squeezed my eyes shut.

'Dear God, I pray with all my heart and soul that Rory will be ok. That she doesn't have a life threatening disease, that it is just a sudden twist on a common cold. Nothing major. If anything happens to her, I don't know what I'll do. I treat her like my own daughter, not just my sister. I love her with all my heart and need her. Please, God, help her get better very fast. Amen'

Reed patted my back, giving me some sense of comfort.

"Don't worry, she'll be ok." He gently kisses my forehead. "She'll be just fine."

I slumped down in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, hoping for a nurse to come back and tell us that she is fine and we can take her.

"Deming family?"

We all turned our heads to find a nurse motioning for us to come with her. She took us in a small sterile office, set with chairs, a desk, and a nasty X-Ray.

"Thank you for bringing Aurora in. It's good we caught this soon enough. Now the good news is that we know her problem. Bad news is that we don't know how to fix it."

My heart sank. I was losing hope for Rory's survival.

"Now Aurora has a condition called 'spontaneous pneumothorax' or in other words, she has an unexpected lung rupture. Currently, she's breathing somewhat steadily on a machine, but it won't last much longer. We can put a tube into her chest to assist oxygen levels, which isn't guaranteed to cure, or we can do an operation to patch the rupture in the lung, which is almost complete guarantee of a cure. The choice is yours, Deming family."

Mitch didn't even think to consult us on what to do.

"I honestly think that we should just let her go."

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