Lost and Found- Part 25

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Pam's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. My heart stopped.

"M-mom?" I studdered. I turned to Reed, both of our eyes widened in fear.

"I can't believe you to. You're coming with me." She came and slapped my cheek, leaving a dark, red mark. She firmly grasped Kayla and my shirts and dragged us out of the house with her.

"Mom! I just got accepted to college! You can't do this to us!"

"LET THEM GO." Mitch demanded. I've never seen his bad side before.

"They're coming with me." The tears began to stream down my face. I turned around, glancing at Mitch, Reed, and Blake for the last time- maybe ever. I could see the pain in their eyes.

Reed was such a strong person. This was the first time, since I met him when I was 5, that I can remember seeing him cry.

He mouthed to me, Goodbye.

Meanwhile, My mom was violently pulling Kayla and us by our shirts, choking us, out to her pick up truck. She threw Kayla and I in the back. There was one blanket and one water bottle.

"Have fun, it's a looong ride back to Wisconsin. We'll deal with you two when we get back." She slammed the trunk door shut, locking Kayla and I back in for who knows how long.

I just broke down. I buried my head in my lap, crying my eyes out. I'm not exactly sure how long I was crying, but before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up due to a bump in the road.

"How long have we been here?" I asked, my pain filled voive cracking.

"I'm not exactly sure. I'm guessing a few hours, but I have no idea. Listen to me. When we get back, you know that she is going to beat you, and probably me too this time. Just be strong, and go for it. No matter how bad it sounds, we'll sneak out. Catch a bus over to Aunt Cara's house, she wouldn't deny us, or give us away to Mom. Whether we stay there, or go with Dad, or even go back to Reed, we'll just have to wait and see. Aunt Cara will take us in for now, trust me, it'll all be okay."

I couldn't take this. I put my head back down and went to sleep.


Kayla and I both jerked up in fear.

She grasped both of our ankles and pulled us out, causing us to fall on cold, hard concrete.

"Get up and come with me. You two better keep your fucking mouth shut."

She dragged us into a small shed, slamming the door behind us.

"Now, where were we?"

She gave both Kayla and I a firm slap on the cheek.

"You two thought you could get away from me?"

A hard punch was thrown into my stomach, making me fall to the ground in pain. She put her foot on my stomach, preventing me from squirming around.

Kayla got a swift kick on the shin.

She grasped an old, tattered blanket that was on the ground, rolled it into an oval, and began whipping my arms with it. The pain seared through my body.

She moved on to Kayla, repeating the same process.

"I'll really deal with you later. You better stay right fucking here, or you're gonna get it."

She slammed the doors as tight as she could, locking it from the out side.

The tears began rolling down my face.

Lost and Found- A Reed Deming FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now