Lost and Found- Part 38

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Pam's POV

"Reed, Reed, Reed." The nurse scribbled on a prescription paper. "I want you to take this painkiller for 6 days, twice a day. Also, try to be laying down or resting as much as possible. Okay?"

"Sounds good."

"Perfect. Now let's get all these wires and needles off of you, and you're all set!"

One by one, she removed any wires and IV chords that Reed was attached to, wheeling the bully equipment out of the room.

"Good to go!" She said, pulling out the last remaining needle. "Just be sure you check out at the desk down the hall."

"We will." Mitch escorted us out of the room.

The whole ride home, I was fondling my silver ring that I received the day before.

"What's wrong?" Reed asked, clearly realizing my concern.

"Nothing. I was just so scare last night. You didn't look good at all. I just don't know what I would do without you."

"It's okay. We're both fine, that's all that matters, right?"


Though it did somewhat irk me, Reed did follow the doctor's order and laid in bed all day.

"Say hi to your brother, Ro!"

I barged into our room, carrying Rory on my hip.

"Ah, come here baby girl!"

Reed took her with open arms, stroking her soft hair.

"How are you feeling?" I felt like his mom, checking up on him all the time.

"Fine, fine. No headaches or anything."

"Well that's good."

I mildly touched my lips to his.

"R-r-re!" Rory studdered.

"What's that, Ro?"


I glared at Reed with excitement swirling through my eyes.

"I think she's trying to say Reed!"


Reed and I both gasped.

"Rory! You're a little over-achiever! Talking at 6 months already!"

"Dad!" Reed yelled.

Mitch came storming into our room, most likely expecting to see Reed having some sort of medical emergency.

"Rory just said Reed!" I informed him.

"Did you, little girl?" Mitch seemed extremely surprised.

"Yeah! Wanna say it again for daddy? Reed! Say Reed!"

Rory struggled, but eventually managed to get the word 'Reed' out of her mouth.

"Good job, baby! Keep trying to make her talk, I got some work to do. Tell me if she says anything more though!"

I hopped in the bed, laying next to Reed, being cautious to not crush the delicate little body in between us.

"Can you say anything else?"


"What about Pam? Say Pam!" Reed insisted.

"Reed! Reed!" Rory repeated.

"Oh Rory. Silly girl!" Reed brushed his hand over her already tousled hair.

"Hey, baby. You need to take a nap, you're 30 minutes late!" I took Rory by the arms, resting her on my side, and laying her into her crib, which we had rolled into our bedroom. We wanted as much time with her as we could get.

"As for you..." I laughed. "You should probably get to bed too. It's been a long day, babe."

I bounced back into bed next to him.

"You make me the luckiest guy in the world. You realize that, right?"

"Of course. And I'm obligated to be the luckiest girl in the world too."

"All you have to to is promise me that we'll be together forever."

I rolled my ring- that hasn't left my finger at all- around my finger.

"I promise." I took a tight grip on the ring. "I promise."

"No matter what? You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, no matter how it must be done."

"No matter what. Don't worry. One day, in twenty some years from now, we'll be laying in this exact position." I glanced over to Rory, who was silently sleeping in her crib. "Except that will be our own daughter. I don't care what it takes, I'll keep my promise. We'll never lose each other. I know we'll find a way, and I'll be looking forward to every day. I can't explain this feeling anymore. I'm completely in love with you, and I know I'll never let you go. To tell you honestly, I have never ever felt this way. Never in my life have I ever been so sure of something. I love you so much, and I hope you realize that."

I snuggled my head mildly into Reed's shoulder.

"Wow." He paused. "I never realized I could ever be so lucky to be blessed with someone like you."

He gently kissed my forehead.

"So we'll be together forever?"

"And always."

Lost and Found- A Reed Deming FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now