Lost and Found- Part 8

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Pam's POV

The grueling 6 hour ride back to Minneapolis was quite boring. Probably half an our was spent between Kayla and Reed catching up, an hour discussing movie and TV, another half hour of Reed singing for us, an hour of singing obnoxiously to the country radio, and the rest of the time sitting in awkward silence.

It was midnight, and we would be arriving in Minneapolis in less than half an hour. Mitch was appearing to get drowsy but was still sipping his burn gas station coffee every minute or two, Kayla was listening to music and texting her boyfriend, Bennet, Reed was asleep on my shoulder, and I blankly stared out the window, admiring the lights in houses and buildings.  

I almost forgot that Reed was resting on my shoulder, but every bump we went over reassured that he was there.

Finally, we pulled into the hotel parking lot.  

Kayla got out, grabbed one of her bags, and waited inside the lobby. 

I didn't want to startle Reed, so Mitch came and gently woke him up before prying his head off my shoulder. 

Mitch went inside and waited with Kayla, and Reed and I stood on the side of the truck that wasn't visible to Mitch and Kayla.  

"Can you grab that bag for me please?" I asked Reed, motioning to a green and blue aztec printed purse that had a change of clothes and bathroom supplies in it. 

He nicely crawled back in the truck and grabbed it for me, handed it to me, and slipped it over my shoulder as I closed the truck door.  

Reed went to walk into the hotel, when I stopped him. 

"Reed, wait." 

He looked nervous as he turned around and came back. 

"Reed, I'm scared."  

He looked concerned more than nervous now.  

"I am too, but we shouldn't be. We're doing this for a reason, which is to keep you and your sister safe. We had to do this, even though we didn't want to. Trust me, we'll be ok when we get to Texas tomorrow. We'll make it just fine."  

His eyes glimmered in the moonlight.  

"I love you." He told me, smiling sweetly. 

"I love you too." 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his made their way to my waist, wrapping me in a tight hug, lips pressed.  

After we pulled away, we had realized that a random man saw the whole thing. 

We looked at each other and sprinted around the truck and into the lobby.

Mitch checked us in again and brought us up into our rooms. 

The arrangements were kind of weird. 

Mitch and his ex-wife were in one room, Kayla had her own room, and Reed and I shared a room. 

There was two beds. 

Don't get any ideas, perverts. 

Though I will admit, I may or may not have crawled into bed with him at seven AM for a few minutes to wake him up.

"Reedy! Wake up baby!" 

I pulled open the blinds, and he winced at the sunlight beaming in.  

"Seven AM already? I'm so tired." 

I laughed. 

"Says the one who fell asleep on his girlfriend's shoulder for three hours." 

He pulled the covers off, revealing his shirtless chest with perfectly sculpted abs. 

"Babe, get a shirt on please, before I get any ideas." 

He trudged out of bed and slipped on a loose, black V-Neck, just in time. 

Mitch came prancing into the room with two bowls of cereal and two glasses of milk. 

"Sleep well?" 

"Pretty good, yeah." I responded. 

Reed, still half asleep, just nodded his head. 

"Good." Mitch replied. "Eat up, pack your things, and be back in my room in half an hour. We have a plane to catch."

He left, giving us our privacy. 

We ate our cereal and drank our milk together, laughing when I spilled half of my glass on the floor. 

"Oh well, they can clean that." 

We shoved our few items into our bags and left out room, going over to 517.  

We walked in and Kayla, Mitch, and his ex-wife were all packed, and waiting for us.  

Reed and I plopped out bags on the luggage cart and headed out the door and down the hallway.  

Fitting five people and a packed luggage cart into one elevator was quite a challenge, but we made it work.  

We got into the lobby, grabbed our bags, almost dropping them across the parking lot, but making it to throw them in the truck. 

We all filed in the truck and left the hotel, heading for the airport.

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