Lost and Found- Part 40

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Pam's POV

"Haaaaaapy Birthday!" Reed pranced in the room with a fully lit, home-made cake, celebrating my 14th birthday, finally. I always hated how I was half a year younger than him. 

"I told you no cake!"

"It's chocolate, my favorite." He stated, winking, placing it down in front of me. "Now blow!" 

I dramatically glared at him. "You do realize how sexual that sounded, right?"

"Shut up." He playfully punched my shoulder, where I had just gotten STD shots yesterday. Bottom line was Mitch wanted to cautious. "Happy birthday, love you." Softly, he planted a kiss on my lips. 

I puffed, making all of the 14 candles unlight and begin to emit small streams of smoke to the ceiling. 

"Open this." He dug under the table, pulling out a small, magenta, wrapped box.

"Really? I SAID no gifts either. The only gift that I could ever want is you, which I've gladly accepted for over 2 years." 

He nudged the box towards me. "Pleaseeee?" His puppy dog eyes made me give in, immediately tearing the wrapping paper off. 

I took the cover off the white box, revealing even more wrapping.

"Is this one of those box in a box in a box gifts?"

"No no, I promise." I could sense the eagerness in his voice. 

I ripped off the tissue paper, finding a gorgeous, deep blue strapless chiffon dress. I pulled it completely out of the box, holding it up. The skirt was a high-low-which Reed knew was my favorite type of dress, ever- with a skinny, bedazzled belt draped over the hipline.

"What's this for?"

"Our dinner tonight. Our reservation is in three hours, just enough time for you to get ready."

"No, I said no gifts!"

"Pleaseee?" He shot the puppy eyes at me again, melting my heart.

"Fine." I agreed, racing upstairs to prep for our night out. 

After an hour and a half of running strands of hair through my purple flat iron, a whisk of mascara there, a pinch of foundation here, I was finally ready. Without warning, Reed burst through the door, almost clumsily tripping over his own feet, but slyly playing it off as if he meant to hix is hair.

"Good try, dipshit." I chuckled, placing a small bow on my head, pinning back my side bangs that never would cooperate. 

"Oh so now I'm a dipshit?" He pondered.

"Of course." Sarcastically, I retorted. 

"But I'm your dipshit."

"And I love you dipshit." I pranced over to him, his arm swinging around my shoulder.

"Now lets go, we can't be late."

"Our reservation is in almost an hour. We have time, Reed. Don't be so uptight."

"But there's quite a drive there. Don't worry, I got everything handled.

We lovingly cascaded down the stairs together, almost reenacting how we did before the Christmas formal dance. Of course, Mitch had to be camera man, snapping pictures every .25 seconds. 

"Dad, really. Again."

"Yes again!" He contined twisting and turning the camera, trying to get the ideal shots.

"Well psh!" Reed masked our faces with his arm, mischeviously kissing my cheek behind the shield.

"Aww, you're no fun!" Mitch pleaded. "One more picture? Please?"

Reed sighed, but nodded his head in agreement. 

"Awesome! Now Reed, put your arms around her waist, Pam, your arms around his neck, now hold each other close."

"Dad, you're not a photographer." Reed muttered.

"I can be if I want! Now kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

"Agh, really Dad!?" It's not like we had a problem with kissing, considering we've done it a million and one times, it just felt weird if it was planned or posed, like this picture.

"Just for a second. I'll take it really fast, I promise." 

For a split second, Reed pressed his lips to mine.

"Hope you got it, because that's all you're gonna get." Reed swung the front door open. A long, black limo was parked in the streen in front of the house.

"Reed! I'm not going in there. Lets take the truck and be done with it."

"No. I want you to be treated like a princess on your birthday."






"Please? For me? I'll have a surprise for you after dinner if you do!"

Angrily sighing, I agreed. 

He ran across the yard, opening the limo door, preparing to escort me in.

"Have fun! Be sure you come right back!" Mitch yelled, waving with Blake at his side doing the same, delicately holding Rory on his hip, who by the way is almost walking. 

"Yeah! And no having sex!" Blake added.

"BLAKE!" Reed, Mitch, and I all scolded in unison. 

"Sorry." He shyly apologized. 

I climbed into the limo, immediately turning on te rainbow lights around the ceiling, flicking on the radio, jamming to Little Things. Reed began serenading me as he closed the limo door behind him, staring deep into my eyes the whole time.

You'll never love yourself

half as much as I love you

you'll never treat yourself right,

darling, but I want you to.

If I let you know I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh.

I felt the tears brimming my eyes. Something about that phrase made me remember all the hard past times with my mom, back in Wisconsin. Without Reed, I honestly could be dead. 

"Don't cry. You'll soil your makeup."

I rested my head on his shoulder, blinking away the tears lingering in my eyes. 

I tooka deep breath, lifting my head off of  his shoulder. 

His arm wrapped around my bare shoulder, tightly grasping my whole body.

 "I love you." He whispered in a low, raspy voice, sending a slight twitch throughout my body. "You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered. "I'm fine."

But deep inside, I knew I wasn't.

Lost and Found- A Reed Deming FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now