Lost and Found- Part 22

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Pam's POV

I woke up, startled. The clock next to me read 5:27 AM.

"Wh-what's wrong? Bad dream?" Reed groggily asked me.

"I think so." Honestly, I wasn't completely sure what had shaken me up.

"Well what is it?"

"I don't know. I just have this bad feeling. I'm not sure what it's about."

"Go back to sleep. You're ok, I'm here."

I laid my head back down, closed my eyes, and I was out.

I awoke again, the clock this time displaying 9:36 AM.

"Reed, wake up." I tenderly shook his shoulder side to side.

"What's up?"

"None of the Reedlings know."

"Know what?"

"About us."

That's what had been bothering me. Nobody except Reed's friends and family and my friends knew.

"Well how do you want to tell them?"

"We can't just tweet. It has to be more." When we broke the news. It had to be sincere.

"Twitcam. Lets do one later today." Reed suggested.

All day, I was nervous. Nervous of them judging me, nervous that we may chicken out and they'll never know, nervous about hate it may bring, nervous about about everything.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. The screen blinked 'Twitter'

'@ReedDeming; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and we're live! www.livestream.com/tocrd492'

"Hey guys! Lets get the shoutouts started!" I heard him starting the twitcam in our room.

I raced up the stairs, but was as silent as possible as I crept inside out bedroom, not wanting to give anything away too early.

The basics went on; shoutouts, a song, some questions, another song, then it happened.

"Ooh, here's a goos question." He hesitated. "Are you single?"

He nervously glanced at me, cueing me to step in.

"Actually, no. Meet my girlfriend, Pam."

I slowly came into view of the 1,054 viewers.

"We've been together since Thanksgiving break." We shared the whole story, how we met up, when I moved in, all that shit, but leaving out the lovey-dovey details that didn't need to be publicly announced.

"Now, guys. I know you've always been there for me, so please be now. Please, please respect her. I love her. Hating her won't make me love you any more, so it's pointless. Just please accept the fact that I do love her, with all my heart, okay?"

The tweets that were coming in mainly said things like 'Awww!' or 'Don't worry, we all love her too.'.

Just reading all of those positive reinforcements was so relieving. I felt like I had a whole new family out there for me.

"Thank you so much, guys. And I'm sorry if I've done or am doing anything to make you mad. Just please don't be mad at Reed for anything. Take it out on me, please. I love you all."

"Well guys, this has been an...interesting twitcam. I think I better call it a night, okay? Thank you so much for watching, and I love you!"

Reed kisses me, while clicking the sign off button, leaving the image of us to be the last thing they saw.

"You did great. They all love you." He clasped his arms around me.

"Good. I was so worried."

"Don't be. Did you see what they were saying? They love you."

Right before I went back to sleep for the night, after re-watching The Avengers for at least the 7th time with Reed, I scrolled through my Twitter feed.

All of the Reedlings I was following were tweeting #ReedlingsLovePam.

"Reed, did you see the hashtag?"

"Yes, isn't it wonderful? They did it all by themselves."

I was so lucky to be in the position that I was.

"I'm so glad that they don't hate me."

"They would never hate you."

I clicked off my new IPhone and stared up at the dark ceiling.

"You know how much I love you, right?"

"Of course I do. And I love you more that a thousand times than you love me."

I nestled my head into his shoulder.

"Goodnight." He flicked off the lamp.

"Goodnight babe." I replied.

Instantly, I was asleep.

Lost and Found- A Reed Deming FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now