Chapter 52

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Heeeey everyone!! I really hope you all have been well! All the best for 2021!

So I'm back with new chapters! However; I'd like to kindly explain for the sudden hiatus. It's okay to skip this part and head straight to the story. But I really wanted to make something aware to all my readers.

So my health has not been 100%. I got sick in the last two months so I needed rest. My condition is still not good but I am getting better. I also mostly needed a break because I felt like I was pushing myself to write without the gratification behind it. I felt like I needed to meet deadlines to post chapters and it just felt very tiring and pretty much sucked the enjoyment to write anymore at all. (This is mostly due to my laptop behaving poorly and deleting half of my work. It honestly set me back a whooole lot.) So...I'm basically working of my memory here. :(((

I was also approached by two persons who wanted to move my story to an app and another online source. However; I'm merely doing this for the fun of writing for it helps me destress and I just want to bring my work alive to you guys. J (It took me a long while to even consider before turning it down.)

I know what its like; to wonder when a post will be up and if the writer has forgotten their work.

I really haven't forgotten lol, but I think a lot writers struggle like this and it can be a little depressing. The fact that we constantly wonder if readers will lose interest because of delays in post worries us a lot. But truthfully we have no control over what happens in our life so this might delay post from happening. If not sometimes, but overall, it happens.

I'm really sorry for making you wait. It must have been torture...; and for that I'm sending love and happiness to you all. :D

Thank you so much for your patience. Your support for this story is always near and dear to my heart! Believe it! Alright, enough of me blabbing lol

Please Enjoy~ 


"You're going on probation." -Jin

"W-what?! But I have my first client next week. How will that work?"-Jaeyhun

"Easy, I'll have someone else take over for you. You do remember you're not my only new recruit, right? I can have Lucas take your place the moment he arrives back from Hong Kong tomorrow." -Jin

"...All of this is....; it's completely unfair don't you think? What punishment does V get in all this, huh? Because to me, it seems like I'm the only one paying for his mistake." -Jaeyhun

"V is a veteran here. He is my prized escort; a status in which you are far from. His work alone brought in a lot of fortune to my company. You disrespected him; therefore you get punished." -Jin

Jaehyun's POV

Jaehyun's POV

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