Chapter 67

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Taemin's POV

"How could you both be so reckless!!" Madam Choi's head security shouts as he scolds the two guards who were on hospital duty before Y/N left. "You had one job! Which was to watch over Lady Y/N and ensure she was safe in your care! And now she's missing?! Fucking hell, you both better pray to God, we find her before Madam Choi finds. I'd hate to be in your shoes." He spoke to his subordinates then quickly glances at me. "Go scourer the North wing again until we can gain footage from the outside grounds, now." He authorizes his juniors with folded arms, and I immediately turn away when he turns to look at me again.

"Yes Sir. Goongmin!"

Madam Choi's head of security Nam Goongmin was not like the others. He was a man with pride and principle, a man with strict no-nonsense tolerance as well. When it came to the Choi family and their safety, Goongmin was prepared for anything, for he was always one step ahead.

However, this time...., after serving the family over fifteen years, it obvious that he was not prepared for his men to be outsmarted by his boss's granddaughter who just came on the scene.

"Taemin, have you heard anything yet? Do her friends know where she is?" He asks while walking over to me; my intuition already having ideas as to where she might be.

"...No, they haven't heard from her. But one of our mutual friends said he'd come by to help search for her. They've both been friends since grade school."

"Are you talking about Jimin?"

"You...know him?" I ask as he peeps at his watch.

"Not on a personal level. But I did meet him once to gain access to your sister's phone number. Madam Choi did most of the convincing without giving too much of their relationship away. We only needed her digits to track her phone, that way; we could be able to access her location. Luckily we did; that's how my second in command; Jin hyuk was able to find you both that night at the WaVe." He explains and I couldn't help but want to seek more answers pertaining to that night.

"I understand that both Herin and my sister are related do we move forward from here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Herin shot after her own cousin."

"She wasn't aware of who Lady Y/N was."

"So that makes it okay?"

"I never said that." He states, turning to fully face me. "With Herin's situation, it's a little bit more complicated. We are all aware that Herin isn't stable. Her mother too was not on the safe side when it came to her mental health. Which is why we sent Herin away to find the help she needs hoping history won't repeat itself."

"Where does that leave my sister though? Damaged? Paranoid from within? She hasn't been sleeping for nights...for days. And you guys wonder why she ran away?" I relayed standing to my feet to look him in the face. "If you find her, will you bring her back to this place?"

"...Only Madam Choi can determine that but yes, most likely we will."

"And Madam Choi? Where is she now?"

"She's out of town doing damage control with her PR team regarding the articles that have been floating around about Lady Y/N. She'll be here any minute since I've already informed her of what happened." Goongmin relays; peering at me suspiciously. "Though..., are you sure you have no idea where Lady Y/N has gone? This visible wall of defense your carrying gives me the impression you know otherwise."

"Are-are you insinuating I helped her runaway?"

"I know you care for your sister, and I know you want the best for her; so, it's not impossible for you to-

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