Chapter 32

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Jungkook's POV

I was about twenty minutes early for my meeting with Jin. It's not often he calls me on such short notice, but I figured since I was already nearby; why not stop in to see what he needed.

"Hello? ...Is anyone here?" I enter Jin's office space, to see Yoona's empty desk. "Yoona?" I call, but there was no one there to answer. "Huh..., maybe I am too early after all." I mumble; ready to head back out. But with a sudden pause, I stop in my tracks; only to hear a loud clatter from inside Jin's office.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! Tell me you're kidding. What do you mean he's regaining his memory?!" I hear Jin shout, and I quickly spin in the direction of his office door; over hearing him speaking to someone over the phone.

"Then give the man more pills!! Fuck, knock him out for a week if you have to! If he ever remembers what happened that night, were both going down; do you hear me Dr. Yang?" Jin snarls again, and I hear him mention a very familiar name.

Moving closer towards his door; I keenly listen to the conversation Jin had with one of his regular buyers.

"...It's bad enough that Taehyung was in my office earlier questioning me about him, but he also wants to come there see that man in person. Do you understand the dilemma that I'm in right now? What's worse; that Taehyung is becoming more and more unstable as the days go by. This whole situation from the accident is ruining my business! I can't have an escort who's emotionally unbalanced and one that is now injuring his own self! How much longer will it take for you to finally rid him of those memories?! Honestly...., it would be better off if he was dead." I hear Jin suddenly say and my eyes widen terror at his brazen statement.

"However, ...I don't intend to get your hands dirty like that, Dr. Yang. So I need you to listen carefully...; either you fix this now, or I'll have no choice but throw you under the bus too! Do I make myself clear? Besides...I am paying you more than enough money to do so! Don't ever make me regret my decision! Or I will ensure that your life becomes meaningless if you cross me!" I hear him say; slamming something on a hard surface. "Fuck! Jay better have that footage secured. That hacker's good looks better be worth my investment."

At this own heart was racing.

I feared the worst. And on top of that; Taehyung's name was mentioned.

I was frozen in stance of what I just heard; but my body suddenly shifts at the sound of footsteps drawing closer.

With quick movements and a grab of the main door's handle; I made my way back into the halls, concealing myself from whoever was approaching.

Quiet and skillfully hiding behind the corridor wall; I catch a glimpse of Yoona, entering back into the room.

Without a doubt I was now in a tough position. I know what heard, and obviously I needed to find out. However; there was no way in hell Jin was going to tell me anything. So I needed to play it cool. And most of all; I needed to play smart.

Fixing my attire to make another attempt to enter back into the office; I artfully text Jin, telling him I'm almost on his floor.

I'm almost there; but first I need to stop by the men's room. I'll be in office in ten.


That's fine. Take your time. I'm just finishing up with a client.


Reading his reply with smirk played across my face; I turn on my heels making my way down the hall. This alone will give Jin enough time to recompose himself and for me to think of a way in getting the information I need.

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