Chapter 71

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A/N: Quick update on my injury. So the bandages are off but my fingers are still a little tender. But awesome new! Your girl manage to finish a chapter which I've been previously editing! It took seven hours but I met my dead line. 😭😅My only favor is that you savor every word as if it's your favorite meal. lol! No but seriously, I recommend for there are a few clues and references for future chapters ahead.

Oh, one last thing. I do however have a very interesting question at the end of this chapter for my readers. But until then, enjoy~ 

Previous chapter ending cap

"A favor? What favor?" I ask him and I see a black a black Audi R 8 pull up behind me.

"Someone will have to take you back. And it can't be me. To avoid at speculations or any of us going to jail; I needed someone who was the right cover, someone I can trust. Someone who is best to be linked with your disappearance. A person the public already knows in good faith."

"Who?" I question and I hear the car door open from behind. Following Taehyung's gaze as he looks over my shoulder; I am met face to face with the person strangely had a special place in my heart.

"Hello Y/N." His heavy tone heightens my senses as I stared at him.


We Continue

Taehyung's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Joon asks as he closes the passenger side door with Y/N inside. "It's not too late to come with me. I'm sure the Choi's will understand if-

"They won't." I abruptly respond, watching Y/N through the car door window. "An heiress is missing Namjoon." I turn to face him. "And not just some regular heiress either. Y/N has no clue of what her background entails. Which is something no one can blame her for. Her father who is responsible for her mental discrepancy is at fault, but I think Mr. Lee's reasoning for not telling his daughter the truth goes far deeper than just him being an overprotective dad. The Choi's are an Elite family. We all know that. Heck their net worth makes Jin's family look like they're not even trying. Which is why Jin has picked Y/N as his brand-new target." I tell Joon and his jawline flexes with an arch brow.

"He already had prior plans to meet with her before finding out. What makes it much worse now is that he'll be persistent with attempts in marrying her."

"You can't let that happen though." I say to him, and he looks at me with a light chuckle. "I wasn't planning to. Jin is a menace to me as much as he is to you. The things he's done to manipulate people for his own personal gain has gone on long enough. Which is why I plan on bringing him down myself. He put my parents at risk of bankruptcy. I get that my father made bad choices. But it was Jin that brought him down to his lowest point in the first place. I'm just angrier that I didn't realize it sooner."

"He played all of us. Which is what Jin does best. By the way; your father. He now knows that Y/N is the same girl in the leaked photo, right? How did he take it when he found out she was related to Madam Choi?"

"Heh, do you even have ask? You'd think I scored the highest in my graduating class all over again. He's more upset as to why I didn't tell him sooner. He's also been pestering me with questions...; asking me if she and I are still dating or if I plan on marrying her."

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