Chapter 3

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"Let's do an analysis of the books for this semester. I want you guys all too keenly think about the correlation between philosophy and of course theory. I want you all to get a proper hold on our lessons to come as we explore literature together." Namjoon expressed as he paced back and forth before the class. "I want to broaden your mind and take it further into depth of what your imagination can really do. Is that okay with all of you?"

"Yes!" The class answer's simultaneously with chuckles at the end.

"Wow, I might have gotten the best class this semester."

I was in awe. The more Namjoon spoke; the more I wanted to know about him. His tone of voice was deep yet smooth like warm milk and honey.

Not only was his smile a done deal for me but his physical appearance; tall, dark and yes of course truly handsome had me smitten for a bit. But all I could do was wonder; how will I approach him to say sorry after class ends. It's not like I can avoid him now.

"Okay that's our time. Class dismissed everyone. I'll see you all back here on Wednesday same room and same time. And please, read chapters three to eight. That's when the really good stuff happens. We'll revise it then." Namjoon says erasing the white board.

Watching the other students as they exit the class room I sat in my seat hoping to get a chance to apologize.

It took a while; seeing as some students stayed back to ask him about his lesson plan, but as soon as the last person exited the room, I stood up and walked over to his desk hoping what I practiced in my mind flowed fluently through my lips.

"Hey." He says with that killer smile of his.

One things for sure; I've always been a sucker for dimples and he my friends had two amazing ones on each side of his cheek.

"You tricked me." I said unable to hold back my smile; for his was oddly contagious.

"Nope, I helped you. There's a difference." He says placing the eraser down on his desk. "You were panicking and I figured if you knew that you threw coffee all over your teacher whom you had your first class of the semester with, you'd probably be on your death bed right now."

I chuckled at his comment

"Either way, thank you Mr. Kim. And I'm really truly sorry about the coffee AND writing on your hand. I'll definitely pay for your dry-cleaning."

"'re saying having a cup of coffee with you is no longer an option?"

For a second I paused, not sure of what to say next. It's not like I didn't want to; it was just the fact that he was my professor. Wouldn't he get into trouble?

"Ah, you're worried that this might be a problem with the university policy." Namjoon says pulling a pen from his shirt pocket. "Well I'm not a professor; I'm a graduate. I'm just filling in until they decide upon a full time teacher. One of the main reasons why I told the class to call me Namjoon or senior, which ever one is more comfortable."

"Oh, I see. So you're a graduate. What major?"

"Global and international studies, and I dabbled in a little journalism, mathematics, literature and culinary arts as well."

"Ah wow, that's incredibly interesting! But, I never pegged you as a culinary type of guy."

"I was totally kidding about that last one. I can't cook to save my life."

I laugh at his witty remark thinking of how funny it would actually be to see him trying to prepare a well cooked meal in an actual kitchen.

All in all, Namjoon was quite captivating.

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